January 1st, through January 3rd 2024 #ColoroftheDay Challenge & #PictureoftheDayChallenge

The Mommies Reviews

Last night sitting on the couch watching tv life slide by I knew I wanted to spend more time with Charlie before he graduates in May and goes out to get a job. The only thing was I didn’t know how that would happen because I’ve failed at getting out and walking like I planned on doing each day.

The more I thought about things the more I remembered the challenges we had done in the past and I’ve decided we should do them again. Even though its January 3rd and #Wordless Wednesday I would like to invite you to join us in the challenges. You can do like Charlie and I are and post for day one, two and three of just being today and post throughout the month.

I’m a Part of the Ultimate Blog Challenge and Charlie and I would like to invite you to join us.

#Coloroftheday January 1st, 2024 Red

#PictureoftheDay: Share a book your reading

January 2nd

#ColoroftheDay: Yellow

#PictureoftheDay: Share a picture of your favorite beverage

January 3rd, #ColoroftheDay: Blue

#PictureoftheDay: If you have a Pet ie Pets share a picture of them

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates