When I saw the color of the day challenge June 26th: Lime I thought of the Limes we use in cooking or drinks David drinks. Then Charlie said he has Hot Wheel cars in a Lime color but once again my phone wouldn’t let me share those pictures with you. Instead I found this picture online and wanted to see what you thought of it and why.

Isn’t this a beautiful Butterfly done in Lime which I would like to have for the Deck to sit and look out when I am sitting outside and reading my favorite novel.
Is there a favorite item you like that is Lime? If so show us a picture and tell us what you like about the color Lime and why you chose that item. In the meantime don’t forget to check your box of crayons and see if there is a Lime inside it.
Enjoy your coloring sheets and don’t forget there is one for each day of the month. Just type in Color of the Day in the search bar on my website.

I also wanted to bring you new coloring sheets from Elle. I hope you enjoy these.

Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates