I was Praying my phone would be working this morning because I wanted to share Suzzane’s Memory wall in the Color of the Day Challenge June 25th: Fuchsia.
Unfortunately even though we did what Metro said we should my phone is still not working. When I take pictures they will not let me upload them to the blog.
Instead I looked online for products done in Fuchsia. I found these flowers and the Butterfly above. The next time Charlie and I go shopping for the Garden I plan on looking for flowers in Fuchsia as they would make my trailer pop.
I hope you enjoy the coloring sheets Elle made for you. Don’t forget to get out your Fuchsia when your coloring. Charlie said he is going to draw flowers fore my office in this color and I can’t wait to see the flowers. How about you?

Here are today’s coloring pages!

Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates