With most businesses being closed in Texas I can tell you if you wanted to see the color of the day challenge June 24th: Grey all you have to do is look at my hair which needs colored and cut.
I haven’t felt comfortable going into a Salon to have my hair cut or colored. Although if the truth is none I have been lazy because I could and should color my own hair. Because all this grey makes me look twice as old as I am.
Being embarrassed about the way I look I didn’t want to share a picture of me instead I decided to show you my dream cat I have always wanted. A Grey Persian with blue eyes. Isn’t this kitten so pretty?

Grab your grey crayon and get busy coloring these cut coloring sheets Elle made for us. I have a question for you. Do you have a Cat if so share a picture with me. I wish we did but with Dogs David doesn’t want a cat at all ever.

Let’s not think about our hair and let’s color!

Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates