Color of the Day Challenge June 22nd: Copper

The Mommies Reviews

Good morning, how are you? In this morning’s Color of the Day Challenge June 22nd: Copper the first think I thought of was Pennies. How about you? Then the medicine bracelets everyone wears.

Challenge- Color of the Day

When I was growing up my grandmother had Metal Tea Glasses in different colors including Copper and also a Colander in Copper. Did your parents have any Copper dishes?

Image result for picture of a Copper Penny

Charlie even reminded me Crayon Crayola has a Copper color which I had forgotten about. How about you? Do you remember using a copper crayon as child? I did for the roofs on the houses I used to color.

Can you belive this month is almost gone? Charlie is in the process of putting together our next Challenge. It’s going to be a Disney challenge. Be watching for the instrustions soon.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates