This weekend I was out walking and I didn’t see a rock in the street. I ended up tripping over it and hitting my knee. Which ended up swelling up and hurting.

On Sunday my son grounded me because I tried to get out and walk further than he thought I should. I ended up on the couch and was told to not move. David and Charlie wouldn’t let me work as they wanted me to keep my knee up.
I’m grateful for David and Charlie. I love them but man on man I was going stir crazy by bedtime last night. Which leads to this morning and I’m behind in the Color of the Day Challenge but that isn’t unusual.
It’s Monday and I would still like to share Color of the Day Challenge June 21st- Pick Your Own Neon with you. I found Barbie Color Reveal Chelsea Doll With 6 Surprises in Walmart on Saturday and being Neon Green it caught my eye.
I thought if Suzzane were here she would have liked to have Barbie Color Reveal Chelsea Doll With 6 Surprises . So would my nieces Payton and Lily. With Christmas around the corner I need to purchase Barbie Color Reveal Chelsea Doll With 6 Surprises and put Barbie Color Reveal Chelsea Doll With 6 Surprises inside the Christmas Trunk before they sell out.

Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates