Color of the Day Challenge June 18th- Brown


Welcome to the Color of the Day Challenge for June 18th: Brown. I wish my dad were here to help me chose a brown color to share this morning. I know what my dad would have had plenty of ideas for things we could share that are brown.

Can you guess what it was? Papa, Charlie and I would have gone Braum’s. We would have gotten Chocolate Ice Cream cones which Charlie enjoyed doing with my dad.

I am on a Diet and I will not let sweets into the home which includes Hershey’s with Almonds which is also brown. Instead Charlie and I looked around our home.

Image may contain: indoor

We decided to share Charlie’s Basketball which is our favorite activity to play as a family. We use Basketball for our Homeschooling PE Class and to help me in my weight loss journey. Playing Basketball helps me get my 10,000 steps in everyday.

What do you see that is brown? If my mom were here she would have said a Cow or share your dogs because some of them is brown. David said I should share my desk which is brown but a hot mess and I would be embarrassed to share my desk with you at the moment.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie nd David Cates