Color of the Day Challenge: Gold

The Mommies Reviews

Charlie loves gold and I thought I would have trouble finding items to share with you but I didn’t Charlie found five different products he would like to share with you.

Challenge- Color of the Day

Take a look and let me know which items you liked the most and why:

  1. Money
Gold Investment: 5 things you must know about investing in gold funds

2. 24 Carrot Gold Cross Necklace for Ladies or Men

3. Gold Tennis Shoes

4. Gold Car

Turki Bin Abdullah: London's Gold Car-Driving Arab Prince

5. Gold Record by your favorite singer that you could hang in your home. I would pick one of Elvis records.How about you”

If you were asked to pick 5 Gold items to share with us. What products would you chose and why?

Thank you for participating in the Color of the Day Challenge with us. I would like to ask you a question what was your favorite color we shared and why?

How did you like the coloring sheets Elle created for us? Are you ready for the next challenges I will be participating in?

The Ultimate Blog Challenge

Picture of the Day shared on Facebook @MommiesReviews

Disney Lesson Plans A to Z.

Come join me in one or all of the challenges.

Wordless Wednesday

Throwback Thursdays

Motivational Sundays

Gluten Free Tuesdays

If you know of other challenges happening in July leave me a comment with the link to check them out.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates