I would like to share a new book which is called Coaching in the Classroom: A Guide for Empowering Students and Teachers by Linda L. Hopper, PH. D I received in exchange for this review. Inside this post is my affiliate links. If you click on the links and make a purchase I will make a small percentage from the products you purchase.
I sat down this morning and began to read Coaching in the Classroom: A Guide for Empowering Students and Teachers and the more I delved into the book the more ways I could see of helping myself and Charlie even though he has finished school.
Charlie doesn’t learn well when it comes to workbooks he does better with videos and hands on assignments including Gaming. Unlike Charlie I learn better by listening and taking notes and this is what the Author teaches us in the novel is we don’t all learn the same way.
With David still struggling to learn to read I believe I can use thing things I learned in Coaching in the Classroom: A Guide for Empowering Students and Teachers to help David not only with his reading but his spelling.
If you know any teachers, Counselors I hope you take the time to share Coaching in the Classroom: A Guide for Empowering Students and Teachers with them because this book should be in every school and every library.
I love how the Author started the story with her story allowing us to get to know her. The book is broken down into sections with lots of bullet points we can use in our own lives. Having the lessons broken down into days we can do one or two a day to keep from becoming overwhelmed.
Coaching has become mainstream in today’s society. You can hire a coach for sports training, sorting out your finances, making career decisions or in relationships. Why then, don’t we have more coaching in education?
Linda Hopper took her 20 years of experience in business and coaching into the classroom to figure out how any teacher desiring more empowerment for students and teachers could become a teacher/coach. Knowing that teachers have precious little time, Linda shares how she used Lesson Bites (mini lessons) in as little as 20 to 50 minutes a week to coach middle and high school students, integrating principles of positive psychology and social emotional learning.
With a change in focus, teacher/coaches empower students with the mindsets, tools, and strategies to design a more meaningful life of well-being, bringing more relevance to learning in the classroom. Despite being outdated, the education system today still uses a one-size-fits-all approach to learning that expects all students learn the same way and then evaluates progress only through standardized testing.
The good news is that teachers have the power to mitigate this obsolete method. Through coaching, educators can help students and themselves design lives that bring more joy, a creative use of abilities and strengths, and greater freedom from stress.
Linda Hopper, PhD, relies on over three decades of experience in business, education, coaching, and as a parent to share insights into how the empowerment method of coaching fits into education and why teachers need to coach emotions first, followed by information about the three key areas of personal development for students, lesson bites from her toolbox, and other resources that help educators coach students to attain better well-being.
Through her guidance, teachers will learn how to shift their perspective and empower students with the mindsets, tools, and strategies to create a life of purpose and meaning while bringing more relevance to learning in the classroom.
In this practical guide, an experienced educator, coach, and parent offers ways to bring a greater awareness of well-being into the classroom through coaching that benefits both teachers and students. which we need.
Meet the Author: Linda L Hopper PH D (Author)