Club Llithium by C.R. Allen (Review)

I wanted to share a new book with you called Club Llithium by by C.R. Allen (Author), Christine Leninger (Editor), Anthony Romanelli (Editor) I received a PDF Copy of the book from the Author and Voracious Readers in exchange for this review. Inside this post is my affiliate links if you click on the links and make a purchase I will make a small percentage off the items you purchase.

First and foremost this is a Horror story and I do not do these types of books or movies but Charlie has been pulling away from me and getting into things that I know nothing about. Having a copy of this book to read as a family I thought might bring us closer together and even though I didn’t finish reading the book David and Charlie did and it did bring them closer together and allowed them to share what they liked in the story with me which even brought Charlie and I closer. Thank the LORD!!

legends, lore, and supernatural elements. Allen strikes the perfect balance of relatable, believable, and the unknown, creating a unique and engaging reading experience.

About the book:

Have you ever enjoyed a night out with friends, only to wake up the next day feeling like you’ve aged a decade? Now, imagine if that sensation wasn’t just a hangover but a reality.

Club Llithium is the hottest nightclub in town. Within the confines of an abandoned church, devoted hopefuls wait for hours, seeking the slightest chance of entry. Among the fortunate few granted access, strong drinks, beautiful people, and an unparalleled experience await.

Bea is a graduate student who finds herself suddenly homeless, but by a stroke of luck, she discovers a new roommate in the wealthy heiress Mal. Reluctantly, she suspends her thesis and gives in to Mal’s enticements to join her at Club Llithium.

It doesn’t take long for Bea to be swept up in the enchantment and allure of the club, where the themes change nightly, and the charming owner, Cam, takes a keen interest in her. However, not all is as it seems, as stories of missing girls and mysterious deaths are told in hushed whispers.

Follow Bea’s journey as she uncovers the dark secrets buried deep under the majestic world of the privileged and elite who manage the club.

Will she find her answers in time before sinister machinations focus their gaze upon her?

The story embraces the supernatural gothic setting and sprinkles in just the right amount of horror elements to entertain the reader without overwhelming them with gore.

If you enjoy mainstream horror writers like Stephen King and modern retellings of lore and legends from the likes of Neil Gaiman, you’ll be thrilled to find both woven together inside Club Llithium.

Click ‘Buy Now‘ so you don’t miss out on the Number 1 New Release in American Horror.

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