Cleaning THC and Drugs out of Your System for a Drug Test

The Mommies Reviews

Cleaning THC and Drugs out of Your System for a Drug Test

There is no question about the fact that pot is awesome. Its health and mood-boosting benefits are inarguable, and that makes it a popular choice of pastime drug that is quite harmless as compared to cigarettes, alcohol and a host of other dangerous substances that people are known to abuse and that very often trigger addiction.

If you are a habitual marijuana user, you are also likely aware of the fact that when it comes to work ethics and rules, employers are not as fond of having substance users on their staff, and that, unfortunately, includes pot smokers as well. Your relatively innocent habit might cost you your job or a desired promotion, should it surface on a lab test. If you want to make sure that never happens, here are a few tips that can help you pass any drug test with flying colors and stay out of trouble with your boss.  

Why Is It Easy To Get Busted?

Cannabis and its active components are quite interesting substances. Unlike other drugs, which are usually in and out of your system in a matter of days, sometimes even hours, detoxing for marijuana can be fairly difficult, due to its mechanism of metabolizing in the human body. If you would like to read about that in detail, check out this article. Telltale substances will literally stick to your hair and fat cells and linger there for up to three months after you smoked pot, especially if it was not a one-off occasion.

The THC plant, which so many value and praise, turns out to be the culprit that can cost you your job, a long-awaited promotion, and even ruin relationships. If you get caught, that is. And the truth is, there is a lot you can do to stay out of trouble at the workplace. Just make sure you read on in order to find out the easiest and most harmless ways to detox, as well as any existing myths you had better ignore.

Weed Detox – A Definition

Detoxification, or detox, as it is popularly known, is steering clear of a specific substance in order to rid your body of it completely. When it comes to weed, being a habitual user involves quite a long period of time during which you will experience a whole set of symptoms, including headaches, depression, anxious feelings and irritability.

If you are about to undergo a drug test at work, chances to pass it without any additional help are pretty slim. This necessity has resulted in quite a lucrative business which involves hundreds of different detox products on the market, most of which actively used to flush THC out of the body, even if the label doesn’t necessarily say so.

Average Weed Detox Periods

According to Clear Drug Tests, the period in which you are in danger of getting caught is not set in stone. There are multiple factors at play when determining an individual “detox window”. Some of them are frequency of use, body mass index (BMI), lifestyle, personal metabolic rate etc.

If you do insist on a ballpark figure, expect the weed to leave your blood and saliva in about a week, and your hair – up to three months. You can expect a completely clear urine test from 3 days up to more than two months. So, it is really difficult to say when you will be ready to take the test without any additional preparation. That means if you have a scheduled test at work in the near future, the only way to really pass is by detoxing.

Ways To Detox

The most important and safe one is to stop smoking, of course. It is believed that most habitual marijuana users will likely show up clean on a drug test after just ten days of not smoking weed.

If you are a little too late on following this advice, fear not. The market is now full of products you can get hold of and use in order to rid yourself of marijuana metabolites on a pretty short notice. You can find a great article at that will give you some insight on the best ways to do that. There are, for example, detox drinks, pills and shampoos that come to the rescue by bringing satisfactory results.  

If you are not in a great hurry, a good diet and exercise regimen will be sufficient to make you “clean” in four to six weeks even if you don’t do anything else. A note here is necessary that less body weight will mean quicker results. Detox drinks are a lot faster alternative when you are pressed for time. They will either mask or eliminate the presence of weed metabolites so that you can get the all-clear on a drug test. Zinc supplementation is another good idea, especially for urine tests, as it has the property of altering urine composition, thus interfering with the detection of marijuana in a urine sample.

The Popular Detox Pills

You have probably heard of the famous detox pills. They include different herbs and supplements that give your body an additional energy boost so that it does not burn its own fat cells for energy. When that happens, accumulated traces of marijuana in the fat deposits are not released into the bloodstream and urine for the period of time that the pill is active. That’s the best time to show up for a drug test and not get anything detected. Just make sure you take the pills no later than a couple of hours before the sampling.

Detox pills have another great benefit, namely the fact that most herbs which help rid the body of the tricky substance also work to improve overall health and well-being. Picking that alternative is often killing two birds with one stone. It is, however, better to choose a week-long detox program at least, in order to witness a positive impact on your health as well.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates