I would like to introduce you to a book called Civil Rights Then and Now: A Timeline of the Fight for Equality in America published by Kristina Brooke Daniele which I was sent to review.

Charlie and I both have always been fascinated with Civil Rights and I couldn’t wait to share Civil Rights Then and Now: A Timeline of the Fight for Equality in America with Charlie which we can use in our Homeschool Government Class, Reading Class, and also Art Class.
I love how there is an introduction and steps for parents and educators and that it suggests we tread through the book first which I like to do because it allows me the opportunity to become familiar with what I will be teaching and give me the opportunity to look for more resources to expand Charlie’s learning.
Charlie was able to pick out the people in the book he wanted to learn more about and create reports on them and also use them in his Art projects. There is a section in the back of the book that gives us a list of recommended reading material I can’t wait to check out with Charlie.
The pictures kept Charlie interested in what he was reading while the glossary helped Charlie look up words he didn’t know, and we could discuss as a family. There are comprehension questions in the back of the book which allows us to know what our children learned or should go back over.
All in all, I would recommend Civil Rights Then and Now: A Timeline of the Fight for Equality in America for both Middle School and High School students learning about the Civil Rights not only in Homeschool but for Public School teachers to use as well.
Take a crash course in the Social Justice issues that keeps the United States from realizing its promise of equality! This Civil Rights book for kids is simultaneously a guide for parents and educators who worry about broaching the topics of racism, discrimination, and prejudice. Civil Rights Then and Now: A Timeline of the Fight for Equality in America presents the reader with facts, biographies, and landmark supreme court cases in an easily digestible manner and within a historical context.
The minor editorializing helps to guide readers to understand the events that have shaped the United States and then challenges them to become advocates for change. Included in this book are vocabulary lists, questions for comprehension and discussion, and even essay/journaling prompts. This information-packed social justice book and civil rights timeline introduces readers to a selection of many critical Civil Rights movement events in black history. From the embarrassing origins of Slavery to the modern struggle against systemic and overt oppression, this book will spark conversations about subjects that we can no longer afford to ignore.
About Kristina Brooke Daniele

Kristina Brooke Daniele (pronounced Dan-YELL-ee) is a homeschooling mom, education consultant, former classroom teacher, freelance writer, and storyteller working to end generational trauma through storytelling. Kristina resides in Arizona with her husband and daughter. When not under the control of the cute family dog, her nose is in a book, or she is enjoying time with family and close friends.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates