I remember as a girl always wanting a Doll House which my parents never gave me. When Suzzane was little I knew when she got old enough and I would make sure she had the Doll House I never had.
I was able to get Suzzie a Barbie House for Christmas . We played with the doll house all the time. Fast forward to today and Suzzie is gone.In here place I have my niece Lily and Payton.

With Christmas here I thought of getting Lily and Payton a doll house but I didn’t know which Doll House they would like. Nor which one I wanted to get the girls. Until I was blessed and my new Christmas Gift Guide Sponsor Boxy Girls Studio arrived.
I can’t wait until Christmas to bring Lily and Payton over to play. I know they will want to take Boxy Girls Studio home but I plan on keeping Boxy Girls Studio for my home for them to play with when they come and visit.
For Lily and Payton’s Birthday I can take them to Target and let them pick out there own Boxy Girl Studio for there homes. If you want to know why we would go to Target instead of Walmart it’s because Boxy Girl Studio is only sold at Target.

For a extra surprise I would like to purchase Lily and Payton UnBox with Boxy Girl Pets! This way both girls could have there own pet and there would be one for me when I play with them.

Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates