I thought I would share our latest addition to our Christmas Gift Guide: Bones Coffee Company who sent us Disney Tim Burton’s The Nightmare Before Christmas Collector’s Box in exchange for this review.

My niece loves the movie The Nightmare Before Christmas and she is a Coffee Lover and my sister never knows what to get her for Christmas. I can’t wait to show my sister Disney Tim Burton’s The Nightmare Before Christmas Collector’s Box .
Before you ask why don’t I give this set to Debbie to give Alyssa or give the set to Alyssa from my family it’s because David and Charlie both like Disney Tim Burton’s The Nightmare Before Christmas Set and they both love Coffee.
Charlie has been saying we need to purchase Coffee for our home and I’ve been wanting to get us a Coffee Maker and having this Gift will give me the push to purchase the Coffee Maker before the Weather gets to cold.
Inside the box is beautiful illustrations and I plan on setting the box out on my Movie Shelf next to the movie. I know when all of Charlie’s friends sees the box there going to want this set of Coffee as well. Especially Bradley and Ghost.
Disney Tim Burton’s The Nightmare Before Christmas Collector’s Box comes in packages that can be divided up and either wrapped up to go under the Christmas Tree or they would fit inside our Christmas Stockings. The box contains 5 packages of Coffee. Let me tell you when you open the box you can smell the Coffee and it smells so good I wanted to use it as soon as possible.

The 1st. package is Frogs Breath Choclate Mole which is a medium Roast Coffee my family would like to try. 2. Santa Jack which is Cranberry Cream Brulee my niece Alyssa would like. 3rd is Mudslide Boogie isn’t that the cutest name. It’s Medium Roast Coffee as well.
4th is Ruff Weather Oatmeal Cream Pie and I know David will want to try this flavor out as soon as possible because it reminds us of Little Debbie Oatmeal Cookies. I bet this Coffee would be amazing with one. 5th is The Pumpkin King Pumpkin Pie Praline which I know David and my mother will want to try. David loves Pumpkin Pie and Granny Sherry loves anything Pumpkin. How about you?
Each bag holds 4 oz of Ground Coffee in a cute bag with different illustrations and characters of the movies on the bags using different colors for Halloween including orange, purple and green although this set is the perfect Gift for anytime of the year.
Experience all five of these incredible flavors inspired by your favorite residents of Halloween Town! You’ll receive five 4oz bags bundled inside of a fully-printed collector’s box!
Flavors include:
- Ruff Weather (Oatmeal Cream Pie)
- Frog’s Breath (Chocolate Mole)
- The Pumpkin King (Pumpkin, Pecan & Praline)
- Mudslide Boogie (Mudslide Cocktail Flavor)
- Santa Jack (Cranberry Creme Bruleè)
This coffee is Rainforest Alliance™ Certified, and that means really awesome things for you, your morning cup & the world’s farmers, and rainforests! The Rainforest Alliance™ is an international non-profit organization that makes major impacts around the world in the preservation of rainforests, supporting sustainable farming and business practices, human rights, and meeting the challenges of a changing climate.
OMG there is a Sponge Bob Bikini Bottom Bundle that my daughter Suzzane would have flipped over. A Web-Slinger Collector’s Box which features Spiderman for Charlie’s girlfriend Mykalia. Charlie and David were excited to find out there is Sample Packs they can’t wait to try.
When you have time check out the Seasonal Flavors including Oh! Fudge. For David I would like to get French Toast Cold Brew Latte French Toast Flavored Coffee which is a single sever can and there are a couple more varieties I would like to get for Charlie.
For the Coffee Lovers in your home check out the Coffee Club I want to sign David and Charlie up for. If your not sure what to purchase check out the Gift Cards and Merchandise including Hoodies. For Stocking Stuffers check out the Stickers.
Refer your friends and family and earn money for your next purchase. Enter there Giveaway. Check out there blog. Then check out there affiliate program. Then check out there Store Locater here. Remember Thanksgiving and Christmas is right around the corner so get your purchases in soon.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates