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David is working and Charlie is hanging out at his grandmothers. I thought when I had time I would share a new children’s activity book with you. The new book is part of this years Christmas Gift Guide 23 Riley the Brave’s Big Feelings Activity Book: A Trauma-Informed Guide for Counselors, Educators, and Parents by Jessica Sinarsk. Check out the press release here:

I wish you could see the cover of Riley the Brave’s Big Feelings Activity Book: A Trauma-Informed Guide for Counselors, Educators, and Parents which has two Elephants on it. One is crying. I wish I could bring him home with me. A Giraffe with a wild hair-do that reminds me of Charlie. Two Bears, a Bird, and a Frog. Reminds me of Noah’s Ark.
Riley the Brave’s Big Feelings Activity Book is a trauma informed guide that Charlie and I would like to purchase copies of the book to Cooks Children’s Hospitals for parents and the staff. There is 3 other books in the series that I would like to get to add to Charlie’s Homeschool Health Class.
Charlie, David and I looked through the table of contents which will make using the book easy in planning our lessons for the year. Here is a tip for you. If the pages are marked with a Star they can be downloaded. The author explains who the book is for and how to use it. Which I had Charlie read and explain to David and I allowing him to teach for a change.
I love how the author uses animals to climb out of her downstairs brain which I didn’t know we had. Did you? The note from the author reminds us we’ve got this. Part 1 is getting started. Including a welcome letter. The folder can be created in our art class and then Charlie and I can draw ‘I am delightful”. Would you like to draw yourself?
Part 2 included becoming a Feelings Detective. Doesn’t that sound cool? I love how the author has use draw a time when we felt happy, sad, scared and mad which we can discuss once we finish the pictures. Would you like to draw your feelings with us? David said he might draw his with us. Wouldn’t that be fun?
In the middle of the books is a poster that says YOU ARE… I would like to print out to hang in our classroom. Part 3 is My Brave Brain. I didn’t know a brain could be brave. Did you? Charlie liked learning we can be brave like a Cub. There is activity cards Charlie can use in his classroom health class. Would you like to see the activity cards?
Part 4 is Happy. I like the list that is called strengths detective as it tells us what we are. They even included a happy Thoughts Maze Charlie can’t wait to work out. Part 5 is MAD! Which we all get at one time or another. We learn about shades of mad which Charlie and I will be able to discuss this week.
Inside this section is a A Letter from the Tiger inside I couldn’t wait to read and share with Charlie. We learned mad is not bad which is true. There is plenty of coloring pages in this section to share with a friend or two. Part 6 is Scared and even adults get scared at times. Did you know that and have you talked to your children about being scared?
The Author has included Not-So-Scary Stories Charlie and I can’t wait to check out. We learn about a feelings container we hadn’t heard of. Had you? Then its time to sleep. I love how the author reminds the little ones they can do hard things. What things do you think would be hard for a child to do?
Part 7 is sad which Charlie and I were as we was coming to the end of the book. We didn’t want the book to end and you will not either if you purchase A copy of Riley the Brave’s Big Feelings Activity Book. There is a page called “I wish you knew” where you can share your feelings with those you love.
Part 8 is expansion materials and Charlie had fun learning that this section contains more information for us. I hope you take the time to check out this book as soon as possible because its perfect for children of all ages. Even adults can and will learn how to deal with there feelings if they work through the book.
About the book:

Roaring, grumping, knots in tummies…Making sense of big feelings can be tricky. Riley the Brave and his safe big critters are here to help! Enjoy 60+ fun activities and trauma-sensitive strategies to help children understand the brain science behind those big MAD, SAD, and SCARED emotions…and what to do about it!
Bright illustrations and familiar characters encourage children as they dig into their prickly porcupine moments, timid turtle moments, and all the feelings in between. An introduction for grown-ups will help you make the most of this treasure trove of games, printable masks, colorful cards, word searches, action plans, and more! Work one-on-one or easily adapt these strength-based activities for group settings. Lesson plans and frequent “Try This!” sections make this the ultimate resource for parents, teachers, counselors, and anyone else supporting children with big feelings.
Thank yu,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates