Would you help me welcome Divorce Countdown to our Christmas Gift Guide 23: Divorce Gift Divorce Map Guide to Divorce Advice for Divorce Gift for Friend Getting Divorced Thoughtful Gift for Divorce Gift for Break Up I received in exchange for this review.
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Charlie and I will be studying relationship and why they work and do not work this year in our Home Economics Course and we will be discussing why people get divorces. Which is why I was excited to be able to check out Divorce Gift Divorce Map Guide to Divorce Advice for Divorce Gift for Friend Getting Divorced Thoughtful Gift for Divorce Gift for Break Up as it would answer questions I might not have the answer to.
I like that its like a small pamphlet about the size of the old street maps everyone used. The front is cute with the pretty flowers on the front that reminds me of the Hippie decade. I love how the author reminds us its going to be okay because when your going through a divorce a lot of times we don’t feel like that and we seem lost. Or at least that is how it was for me.

You unfold the pamphlet and there is steps that tell you what to do beginning with filing for a divorce and ending with custody talks. Through it all there is tips featuring things to do with the kids like when you file for a divorce you take the kids to a playground. Then during custody talks you take the kids to go check out a book at the library.
I love how the author reminds us to sign up for a parenting class which I wish I had done with Suzzie but I never thought of that and no, one mentioned a parenting class to me. Infact I don’t even know if they existed when Suzzie was little. On the back of the pamphlet is more information all parents can use.

I love how the author has actually been through a divorce with a 4 year old. During her divorce she hired a moderator which was a #fail then a lawyer but she still didn’t know how this would affect her daughter and why she created Divorce With Kids Roadmap. The author is not a lawyer or a therapist but she has the most important job around a mom.
I love how the author has anticipated all of our needs including needing someone to talk to and our friends being asleep or busy by giving us a QR Code that will take us to her phone. Which I haven’t tried but if I go through another divorce God willing never happens you can bet your bottom dollar I will reach for my phone and this QR Code. Also sign for the daily reprieve.
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For more reviews check out TheMommiesReviews.com
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates