Christmas Gift Guide 2022: The Power to B Collection

The Mommies Reviews

Welcome to our Christmas Gift Guide 2022: The Power to B Collection. They sent me Power Word Cord Bracelet in exchange for this review.

My Power Cord Bracelet cord is done in Rose Gold which is my favorite gold. The handwriting is done in a classy cursive handwriting which says Be Strong. Even if your not familiar with cursive you will be able to read this bracelet.

I took it out of the box to look at. I wasn’t sure the bracelet would go over my wrist but once I pulled the clasp down it slipped right on. Then I was able to use one hand to fasten. So you will not need help when putting it on or taking it off.

I love how the words sparkle when there on your arm. This bracelet isn’t to big and would work perfectly with other bracelets. I know once Charlie see’s mine if I am not careful I bet you Charlie would want to keep this bracelet for himself.

Although there is a black bracelet with Silver Writing that says B Badass which I would like to get Charlie as this is something I would like to teach him. For myself I would like to get B Fierce in Blue which I believe we all should be.

There is a set of necklaces that match the Bracelets which I would like to purchase for my daughter Leslie which will make a wonderful Stocking Stuffer for her. If your a Candle Lover like Charlie and I are then you should check out the Ignite Candle.

What’s your Power Word?

Discover the perfect Power Word for you or a friend in just 5 simple questions

My word was B Fearless and this fits me to a T.

Now, it’s your turn to take the Quiz.

Check out the Press Release here:

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates