Welcome to our Christmas Gift Guide 2022: The Heart Mind Box a purposeful gift box from the Dalai Lama Center! Inside the fun read box that is beautifully decorated you will find 20 Minute Candles , Wooden Bookmark, four black decorations, Malas Beaded Bracelet , White Linen Bag full of Rock Painting Supplies and last not least Heart- Mind pure Black Tea.

20 Minute Candles are so tiny tiny they look like they would go into a doll house. I liked the yellow cover the little candle dish they come with. These are called 20 minute candles because 20 minute to unplug, pray, think and renew is wonderful and will make us refreshed and ready to finish out the day.
A Wooden Bookmark not paper that would mess up over time. In a calming brown with a leaf design that is so neat to look at. There is a saying on the back of the bookmarker ” Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible. ” Dalai Lama which is true and something we need to be reminded of each and every day. Don’t you agree?
They’ve even included a book The Wisdom of Compassion written by Dalai Lama and Victoria Chan which you can check out here: Remember before you ask me what I learned from the book that I haven’t had the opportunity to read it as this box is a Christmas Gift and I am not sure if I will keep it intact to give to one person or if I will split it up turning it into multiple gifts. Or if I will keep it for my family to use in the New Year. What do you think I should do and why?
There were four black decorations that look like pyramids and might be candles. All I know is the shape is cute and I wouldn’t be surprised if Charlie didn’t take these to sit out on his desk even though I wouldn’t mind having them.
I was surprised when I opened the red felt box with the decoration on the front of the box and there were two beaded bracelets which are called Malas inside it. I couldn’t wait to put this on as its dark brown beads with Orange and Yellow perfect fall colors.
White Linen Bag full of Rock Painting Supplies including the primary Acrylic Paints and Brush with two rocks one small and one big. If I kept the kit Charlie and I could paint the rocks inside our Homeschool Art Class. If Lily and Jason were visiting I could pick up additional rocks for them to paint with us.
Heart- Mind pure Black Tea was also included. Let me tell you it was so hard not opening the Tea and taking a quick break and brewing a cup of Tea before Charlie get up and life gets crazy. But I didn’t I was nice and put the Tea back inside the box which I closed and sat aside so I could talk to Santa, about who should get this box and why.
The Heart-Mind Box is from the Dalai Lama Center for Peach and Education and contacts a selection of ethically sourced products and experiences designed to nurture your Heart-Mind well-being; curated with love.
In every box there is something that will help you connect to others, something that will encourage you to take care of yourself, and a connection to the Science behind well-being.
In the box is a special team blend from the Tea Garden of Assam, India. The Tea is directly packaged and sent to consumers from the Garden, unlike generic Tea brands. Each label shares the information of the Tea Garden(s), region, leaf quality, and harvest date to help you further connect with others.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates