Welcome to our Christmas Gift Guide 2022: Prank-O who sent me the Gifts you will find described in this post. Remember all of these are empty boxes you can add Gifts to making these the perfect white Elephant Gift.
Can you imagine the look on Charlies face when he opens his Gift and its a box of Broccoli Buddies Cereal? I can’t wait to see what Charlie and David will say because I plan on putting something inside the box so it feels full even though the box comes empty.

Surprise the kids when you pour a bowl of Broccoli Bites!
SHRIMP SMACKS is what I’ve decided to give David since Charlie has Broccoli Buddies and being Shrimp I think I will put a couple cans of Tuna in here for David. Which he will just love. Not… LOL Or what do you think should be inside the box and why?

Surprise the kids when you pour a bowl of the ocean’s finest… Shrimp Smacks!
I also received SQUAT & TROT isn’t that the funniest name whatsoever? Especially for toilet treadmill. I plan on putting Squat and Trot toilet treadmill upstairs in the boys restroom. Then they can rest there feet because LORD knows there not going to exercise when there camping out on the Toilet.
If you know of anyone who actually makes a toilet treadmill because as much as I have to use the restroom from the meds I take I would get my exercise in not only for today but weeks and months from now.
Remember this box is empty as well so you will not want to push down to hard on Squat & Trot. Or is SQUAT & TROT empty? Or does it have a brink inside making it hard to move when Charlie or David or guests need to use the restroom? Only mom and SANTA knows. Yes, Santa said its okay to play jokes on each other once in a while. No, you don’t have to worry I will not end up on the naughty list. Thank the LORD.
Kill two birds with one bowel movement with the innovative new Squat & Trot toilet treadmill. The product may be fake, but the laughs will be real when the prank recipient of your choosing unwraps it, only to find your real present nestled inside. It’s the perfect way to “unload” your gift!
CARBECUE would make tailgating much easier but I just don’t think I want to eat food cooked using the Exhaust of the car. How about you? Although, with David being a true REDNECK he might actually use it to make Hotdogs when he is working outside. If only the box wasn’t empty leaving room for his real gift. Or will I give him a empty box? Only Santa knows.

JUNK DRAWER KIT isn’t needed now that we’ve moved into the apartment as I’ve eliminated them and I am proud to say everything in our apartment has a spot. That is until David starts cleaning and moving stuff around.
Or Charlie finds products in his room he doesn’t want which is why I plan on giving each of them there own Junk Drawer Kit allowing me to keep my house clean. For fun I am going to fill the boxes full of random stuff and wait to see what they do with it all. Or if they actually keep this empty box and turn it into a true junk drawer. What do you think they will do and why?
No home is complete without that one drawer full of miscellaneous items you’ll never need! Perfect for the organizer or new homeowner in your life. Just toss your real gift inside and let the good times roll.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates