Christmas Gift Guide 2022: Ooh La La Skincare: Peppermint Tea Tree Organic Soap

The Mommies Reviews

This is a review for the Organic Skin Care company Ooh La La Skincare who sent me Gap 2 Butter, Peppermint Tea Tree Organic Soap and Kola Kraze Foaming Hand Soap for a spot inside this years Christmas Gift Guide and for a review conducted by my family.

As the colder temperatures and low levels of moisture approach us, it’s important to keep our skin healthy and hydrated during the Winter months! Which for David is hard to do as he works outside in the Winter and his hands always crack.

I can’t wait for Winter to arrive for David to try out these Organic Raw Shea Butter products which will be safer than what we purchase in the store. Not only that I love how each label says “Blessed By God” which makes this company stand out from all other companies.

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I had the box delivered to my mother in laws and as soon as she handed me the box all I could smell was Peppermint. It was so hard keeping David from opening the box right then and there and use the products because he loves Peppermint Soap.

We got home that night I left for a meeting with a friend. Once I got home I went to get the box of products to try out. Peppermint Tea Tree Organic Soap was missing. David was sleeping. I went to look in both restrooms and it wasn’t in eithter space.

David had Peppermint Tea Tree Organic Soap sitting inside his hat to take to work with him. David wanted to share the soap with the ladies in his office. I took the label off and I cut the bar into 4 pieces. David could take a piece to work. I had a piece for both restrooms. Which left one piece for my sister to try when she comes to visit.

I picked up Peppermint Tea Tree Organic Soap to wash my hands I loved how the soap felt in my hands. Charlie and I can’t wait to try this bar of soap out in the bathtub. I was afraid Charlie would think the Peppermint smell was overwhelming Charlie said the scent wasn’t. I can’t wait to purchase a bar for both Charlie and David for there Christmas Stockings this year.

As well as a bar of Peppermint Tea Tree Organic Soap for myself although I might get me Happy Hippie Organic Soap because I always wanted to he a Hippie or at least live during that time period. Or one of the Lavender scented soaps which I knew Charlie will leave alone.

Ooh La La Bath Soaps are certified natural handmade soaps based upon Herbs, Essential Oils, certified Natural Fragrances and our base Oil blend.

Blend of the natural qualities of Tea Tree, Rosemary, Peppermint, and Lavender make this well balanced soap. Tea Tree is suggested to help with flakes, Rosemary and Peppermint with stimulation, and Lavender and Chamomile for soothing. This blend is suggested for all hair types.


Ooh La La Skincare – Custom Scented Body Butter & Moisturizing Cream

While there’s no shortage of skin care products, what Ooh La La Skincare offers is genuinely unique in its ability to address common skin conditions for both women and men. Ooh La La Skincare pays special attention allowing what is absorbed through the pores to be all-natural and beneficial to each individual’s needs.

Ooh La La Skincare skin maintenance is accessible for all skin types, naturally revitalizing and nourishing skin and hair for gorgeous results. The brand offers a creative mix of products created with Organic Raw Shea Butter and signature scents (Hip Butter, Gap 2, Lov U Butter) to wow the senses. Shopping for Organic Skin Care products has never been easier or more fun! You’ll say, “Ooh La La.”