I wanted to share our latest addition to our Christmas Gift Guide 2021: Gifts for Women: Destiny Survivor written by Amber Joy Daniel a book that you will not want to put down once you begin reading. Again, I am thinking I should start a book club with my friends and this would be at the top of the list for must read books.

Destiny Survivor is a stirring Christian fiction retelling of the Biblical story of Ruth with a touch of personal development. If you like heartfelt stories of conviction, memorable characters, and tales that transform you, then you’ll love Amber Daniel’s inspirational book. Get Destiny Survivor to follow an adventurous tale filled with hope today! Amber Joy brings a lightness to self-work.
Her prowess as a Destiny Strategist has led to her clients experiencing monumental shifts in life and destiny. Her training in Leadership Development alongside decades of ministry and counseling have afforded her a unique perspective. As a result, Amber cuts to the root of the issues challenging her clients and communicates cutting edge Kingdom applications for unique situations. Her years as an educator and radio broadcast professional makes her effective as a communicator to various types of audiences. Amber’s passion is to train others to overcome challenges and fulfill their destiny.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates