Christmas Gift Guide 2021: Gifts for Teachers and the School Staff: Release Repurpose Reorganize

The Mommies Reviews

I am excited to introduce you to a Gift that is perfect for Christmas Gift Guide 2021: Gifts for Teachers and the School Staff: Release Repurpose Reorganize. As former teachers, we’ve had our share of ‘Apple’ Christmas Tree ornaments. And we know how overwhelming a teacher’s life can be – balancing work and home demands.

Our product is Organize Your Home 10 Minutes at a Time, the first time-based deck of cards which helps everyone be more organized in their homes in short 10-minute segments of time. Organize Your Home 10 Minutes at a Time is Made in the U.S.A., available on Amazon, and sells for $19.99.

This deck of cards will make keeping up with home demands so much easier. Many of the cards can easily be adapted to use organizing and decluttering the classroom. Some cards are marked as Child-Friendly and can even be used by young students.

The deck of cards makes a great Holiday Gift because Organize Your Home 10 Minutes at a Time helps establish a clutter-free routine for Teachers and School Staff in their space. Helping them stay organized year round. Organize Your Home 10 Minutes at a Time is a practical gift that keeps on giving. 

Here is a summary of the benefits of the deck of cards:

  • This deck of cards will help you declutter, organize, downsize & simplify your stuff.
  • These colorful easy-to-use cards are for daily use to clean, have less clutter, for downsizing, and organizing.
  • These positive flashcards can help reduce clutter by guiding you to organize your house by breaking down the large task of cleaning into 10-minute, simple, easy tasks.
  • Each one of the 50 cards outlines 4 to 6 simple steps to organize, clean, or clear in one room and accomplish one task in a 10-minute time span.
  • Tasks are broken down and explained step-by-step to help restore order, tidy up, and motivate you.
  • Kids can pick a card and play too with the activities that are indicated as Child Friendly.

Who are we? We are former teachers, parents (grandparents), and now professional organizers with more than 30 years of experience working with clients. Our vision at Release Repurpose Reorganize is to empower people to cultivate better health, better relationships, and a better lifestyle. This deck of cards can guide people to release, repurpose, and reorganize what they own so that it serves them instead of them serving it. 

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates