Kathleen O’Keefe-Kanavos Three-Time Breast Cancer Survivor Relates How Dreams Saved Her Life through Dreams That Can Save Your Life: Early Warning Signs of Cancer and Other Diseases.

My Aunt passed away from Breast Cancer and my sister is always being checked to see if she has Breast Cancer even though we have been lucky and she hasn’t gotten Breast Cancer yet it doesn’t mean she will not end up with Breast Cancer or even myself.
To prepare both of us since Cancer is in our family I wanted to read Dreams That Can Save Your Life: Early Warning Signs of Cancer and Other Diseases and to share this novel not only with my sister but my niece and also my mother in law.

With Christmas right around the corner I was blessed when I received a copy of Dreams That Can Save Your Life: Early Warning Signs of Cancer and Other Diseases to review which I will do soon. But I wanted to share the Press Release with you so you can check out the novel and purchase it as Gift for your friends and family. Which is what I plan on doing this year.
I would like to let you know I don’t plan on purchasing Dreams That Can Save Your Life: Early Warning Signs of Cancer and Other Diseases just for the women on my Gift Giving list but men as well because they can also get Breast Cancer themselves or know someone how has it and this novel can help them understand what that person is going through on a daily basis.
Palm Springs, CA, Sept. 18, 2019 — Kathleen O’Keefe-Kanavos kept waking from dreams of monks who said she had cancer, but doctors could find nothing.
In the end, her dreams were validated—she had breast cancer. Dr. Larry Burk followed his nagging suspicions that dreams could be important bellwethers of cancer and other serious diseases and conducted research that supports that premise.
Now, O’Keefe-Kanavos and Burk have teamed up to produce Dreams That Can Save Your Life: Early Warning Signs of Cancer and Other Diseases.
Kathleen O’Keefe-Kanavos, the three-time Breast Cancer survivor employed a combination of dreams and conventional medicine to heal her body to beat back cancer—all three times.
She was one of Dr. Burk’s Breast Cancer Dream Research Program research subjects at Duke. The resulting conclusions were published in various medical journals. O’Keefe-Kanavos has made appearances on TV’s Dr. OZ and local television and radio shows.
In Dreams That Can Save Your Life, O’Keefe-Kanavos and Burk have collected not only the true accounts of people whose dreams were later validated by pathology but also the results of research studies that support the precognitive power of dreams.
They also discuss how people who want to tap into the power of their dreams can learn to remember their dreams, learn their dream-language and keep a dream journal.
“We all have the power through dreams to transform our health, our business and our relationships for a better life,” says O’Keefe-Kanavos.
To learn more about O’Keefe-Kanavos’s story and the research that supports precognitive dreams.
Dreams That Can Save Your Life: Early Warning Signs of Cancer and Other Diseases
Publisher: Findhorn Press/Inner Traditions
ISBN-10: 1844097449
ISBN-13: 978-1844097449
Available from Amazon.com
“(This book) is mesmerizing and empowering, letting everyone know that each of us has an inner physician who can be trusted to care for us—even when traditional medicine denies this.
About Kathleen O’Keefe-Kanavos

Kathleen O’Keefe-Kanavos is a dream expert and three-time breast cancer survivor who used dreams to diagnose her illness when it was missed by her doctors. Kathleen was born a Special Forces army-brat in Germany, was educated in Europe, has a degree in Special Education and taught Psychology at USF, Fort Myers Branch.
Her first book, “Surviving Cancerland: Intuitive Aspects of Healing” (Cypress House 2014) won the International Book Awards-Book of the Year, Independent Publisher Book Award-National Medalist, and a Nautilus Book Award.
Her second book, Dreams That Can Save Your Life: Early Warning Signs of Cancer and Other Diseases (Findhorn/Inner Traditions/Simon & Schuster April, 2018), showcases the important role of dreams and their power to detect and heal illness.
It is co-authored by Dr. Larry Burk and shares his amazing research and true stories, including Kathleen’s, of survival and faith with physical and emotional healing triggered by dreams validated by pathology reports. The Foreword and Children’s Chapter is written by Dr. Bernie Siegel.
“Our dreams are Sacred Doorways to Inner, Spiritual, and Divine Guidance. We are all born with Guardian angels. We are their job, and they take that job seriously often speaking to us through dreams, prayers, and meditations.”
Kathleen used information from dreams to self-advocate a course of cancer treatment, often having to persuade her doctors to cooperate with her, as shared on the Dr. Oz Show-The 6th Sense: Shocking Premonitions, and George Noory’s Coast to Coast Radio Show where she gave online dream interpretations to callers. She is a nationally recognized inner-guidance and dreamwork expert, inspirational keynote speaker, and a performance coach.
Kathleen hosts health and spiritual radio programs on the syndicated Kat Kanavos Show on New Earth TV, counsels callers to the R.A. Bloch Cancer Foundation hotline, blogs for Patheos, and is an internationally syndicated columnist for the magazines Om Times, BIZCATALYST360, Women’s Voices, and Cape Women Online. Of over 200 million Linked-in profiles, Kathleen’s has been in the top 1% most viewed since 2012. Kathleen has been married for more than thirty-five years to the love of her life, Peter Kanavos.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates