If your children is like Charlie when Christmas arrives it’s hard to find Gifts for them. Children or at least Charlie has everything under the Sun. I believe I have gotten one Gift Charlie will never have had and will be surprised to receive.

When you check out our Christmas Gift Guide 2019 Sponsor Red Herring Games, you will see I picked out An Intergalactic Mystery for children which is a Murder Mystery Game for children.
If you ask Charlie what he would like he would say a Game System and Games. I hate how much time Charlie spends inside on his phone and game system.
I believe children should be outside and playing with there friends. This year I refuse to purchase anything that goes with his Game System including a TV which Charlie has asked for.
I have been looking for Board Games we can play together as a family, but I didn’t want the usual bard games everyone has. By giving Charlie An Intergalactic Mystery Charlie will have something none of his friends has. Nor a Game they haven’t played.
I also picked out a Murder Mystery Game for David for adults. I chose one that uses 8 players. We can have a Game Night and invite friends over for dinner. While we are playing our game the kids can play An Intergalactic Mystery.
Created specifically for 7-10 year old’s These mystery parties get the children working through a series of mystery puzzles to solve a larger conundrum. No Murder. If you have “older tween’s” consider using our standard dinner parties.
Inside An Intergalactic Mystery
A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away…
There was to be an intergalactic football match. The two opposing teams, the Rebel Rangers and Imperial United were set for the match to end all matches when the referee, Princess Layla, discovered that the intergalactic approved football had been stolen! Where was it? And who had taken it?
It’s now a race to find the culprit and save the match!
This game is written for home or hall use and involves building with junk so you need to collect cardboard boxes and junk in advance of the party.
extra items needed to play this game:
- a permanent marker
- lemon juice
- paper
- balloons
- a hairdryer
- chocolate coins
- a lot of large cardboard boxes
- glue
- sticky tape
- scissors
- pieces of junk
- a blindfold for every child
- notebooks and pens
- 26 glow sticks
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates