Christmas Gift Guide 2018 Dripping In Grace Published by Kim Chadwell

The Mommies Reviews

This is the newest addition to our Christmas Gift Guide 2018 Dripping In Grace Published by Kim Chadwell. I was sent a copy of Dripping In Grace in exchange for a review and spot in the Guide. I would like to let you know the thoughts in this review are mine and mine alone.

I would like to let you know that the Author’s experience as a writer, speaker and founder of Kim Chadwell Ministries, Inc., makes her a most        Kim Chadwell a most engaging individual.

The Age-Old Question: “Why does God permit so much unjust suffering in the world?”

 Louisville, KY – August 2018 –A true story of pain, neglect, abuse, and hardship, and finding the path to freedom is the basis of Kim Chadwell’s Dripping In Grace (Published by Kim Chadwell Ministries, Inc.)

“. . . Many Christians lack not only depts of application to their words in their Christian walk, but also lack spiritual sonar, dipping daily, seeking and searching under the surface, looking for, and picking up, incognito behavior . . .”

Dripping In Grace is an inspirational example of faithfulness and encouragement to persevere. Kim Chadwell has a gift to communicate effectively which God is now using to comfort and edify hundreds of others!

KIM CHADWELL: From orphaned to owned, Kim Chadwell has turned tragedy to triumph showing how everyone, with God’s grace, can grow and live in the fullness of happiness. Kim is a teacher on prayer and listening to God. A teacher of God’s Word, Kim hosts two semester Bible studies each year, writes a popular blog and releases weekly recording to her many subscribers. Ms. Chadwell and her family reside on a farm in a rural community, enjoying time with their grown children and grandchildren.

About Kim Chadwell

Kim Chadwell

The youngest of six children, Kim became an orphan at a young age. The victim of neglect, abuse, violence, and personal abandonment, Kim decided to not only survive, but to overcome. From orphaned to owned, Kim has turned tragedy to triumph, showing how everyone, with God’s grace, can grow, and live, in the fullness of happiness.

A writer, and Bible study leader, Kim is a sought-after speaker.

What people are saying:

5.0 out of 5 stars If you’re still breathing….you should read this book.

This book was so interesting I had to make myself put it down. At times, it was a difficult read due to how the author was treated growing up.

The need for forgiveness should be taught more often in churches. Perhaps it isn’t, because those who stand behind the pulpits are harboring unforgiveness. I’m grateful some ministers, like Kim Chadwell, are preaching it!

Holding a grudge is spiritual enslavement. Forgiveness provides spiritual freedom. That’s my takeaway from this book and why I highly recommend it!

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I would like to let you know I will be back with a full review on this new novel once I have the opportunity to sit down and read the novel.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates