Christmas Events in DFW: Includes Free Events in Arlington, Texas #ChristmasDFW

The Mommies Reviews

Christmas Events in DFW: Includes Free Events in Arlington, Texas #ChristmasDFW
Christmas Events in DFW: Includes Free Events in Arlington, Texas #ChristmasDFW

Hometown Holidays takes place in downtown Mansfield and no, this isn’t Arlington but its a rock’s throw away and close enough to visit both Cities in one day. Would you like to join my family at Hometown Holidays and we can stop for dinner before the event.

Friday, 12/6, starting at 5 pm. FREE. There will be a Drone show, I know Charlie and David will enjoy. Festive food I can’t wait to check out and local performances, with holiday lights and so much more for families to check out for free.

Kringle Village @ Front Street Christmas Market

Sounds like a fun event to attend that will be featuring dancing Elves which sounds like a lot of fun, singing Christmas Trees which I would like to have in my home. How about you? Along with Storytime and a visit from Santa. Don’t forget shopping at the market.

Knapp Heritage Park, Arlington Saturday, 12/7, 12- 8 pm & Sunday, 12/8, 11 am- 4 pm. FREE.

Family Advent Event- First United Methodist Church, Arlington – Saturday, 12/7, 6:30- 8 pm. FREE

My family doesn’t know that much about Advent so I can’t wait to bring my family here to see the Illuminated Advent, have Hot Cocoa, and get S’mores for David and Charlie then visit Santa and see what else is happening. Would you want to join us?

Santa & Hot Chocolate- The Sanford House Inn & Spa– Sunday December 8th

Come enjoy a visit with Santa on our spectacularly-decorated grounds, take photos around the property, and have a Hot Chocolate. This is a free community event, and we will be accepting donations of deodorant, body wash, shampoo and conditioner for Safe Haven! More info/RSVP/invite friends & family: 

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates