My family has grown up on Wrestling and today I would like to share Christian Wrestling Federation with you. I love that there is a Sport organization that shares the love of Christ which is why I can’t wait to take one of my families to a Wrestling Match here. Would you like to go with us?

CWF’s Mission:
The CWF is a group of talented athletes using amazing feats, athletic ability, and entertaining stories to share the gift of Jesus Christ. The CWF uses a unique evangelistic approach to embrace the youth of today. CWF Events are conducted in communities, Churches, conferences, and festivals to spread the message of Jesus’ love. God has drawn many different groups to CWF shows, telling us that God transcends any age, color, Social Status, popularity and Spiritual stature.
The Bible says we are to use unique and different ways to reach people for Christ. This is what the CWF is all about… reaching people in a unique way. With wrestling’s popularity at an all-time high, many people can be reached, and in turn, our goal is to convert them to Christ’s love.
To be a Christian outreach ministry that shares the love of Jesus Christ, through wrestling events around the world.
Watch Matches here
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates