Children’s Outdoor Birthday Party Ideas for a Magical Celebration

The Mommies Reviews

Children’s Outdoor Birthday Party Ideas for a Magical Celebration

Parties that take advantage of long summer days, warm weather, and larger spaces give children the room to stretch out and run around.  It also lets parents get creative with themes, food and games depending on the child’s age.

Instead of hosting a party at the same old playscape or video game venue, parents are taking the party outside and setting up in their own backyards.  While you can’t predict if there will be rain or bad weather, you can plan ahead and include a rain date.  You can even make arrangements to take the party indoors if you have the space.

Michelle McCarthy, Founder, Fresh Flowers and Spilled Milk, a company that specializes in baby and children’s décor, says that as a parent she loves having backyard birthday parties. It is an inexpensive venue that offers complete creative freedom.  She agrees that there may be a little more set-up required like tables and chairs, but it’s offset by the fact that you only need simple decor and activities. In terms of décor, she likes to use printable signs, balloons, and centerpieces and provide one or two easy activities. The kids will entertain themselves for hours in the backyard, which allows parents to relax and enjoy themselves vs. having to chase their kids around in a public place.

Michelle also mentions that the most important things for party hosts to keep in mind when planning a backyard party are prepping your yard, providing hydration, keeping the dessert inside, and planning activities that won’t get kids extremely dirty — unless the parents are prepared for this!

Monique Banks and Ariel Banks Baker, founders of BLUEPRINT DIY digital party plans, recommends themes that are perfect for outdoor spaces like camp, field day, Hawaiian Luau, or carnival.  Their party plans, which can be customized or bought pre-designed, feature high-energy games and a roadmap on how to set up and run the party in a stress-free way. Themes are based on the age of the birthday child to ensure that everyone has a great time. Monique and Ariel feel that the secret to a great backyard or indoor party is that the birthday child feels special and that guests are included in all of the fun activities.

Kimberly Jones, Marketing Coordinator with Bear Paddle Swim School, says that summer is always a good time for a party time to meet in a new environment like a backyard, especially after a cold winter. She loves hosting parties with water balloon pinatas filled with refreshingly cold water. She recommends a summer camp theme at home where there is bonding between parents, children, and siblings.For those thinking about a beach or park party instead of a backyard, Mark Evans, a summer camp consultant with Summer Camp Hub, says that he recommends reserving space in advance, ideally three or more months ahead. He says that if you live in a popular area, the reservations get taken up quickly, and since only so many parties are allowed, you’ll want to reserve the spot before someone else takes it. He says you should be well aware of what your times are. This means knowing how early you can get there to reserve it and how late you can stay so you can make time for cleaning.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates