Welcome back to today’sChildren’s Instagram Challenge A to Z Letter #D. For Charlie the letter #D was natural. All he needed was to decide what he wanted to take a picture of as Charlie found quite a few items that started with the Letter D I left Charlie alone to see what Charlie would pick and he chose our dog, Thor. It just happened the picture also had David in it, and he is a dad. Without even thinking about it Charlie picked out three d’s for todays challenge.
Be watching for tomorrow when he has to find something that begins with a letter E. I have no, clue what he will find and as of now Charlie doesn’t know either. But he has been looking around the house to find something.
Do not help him find something that begins with the letter E. But if your doing the Children’s A to Z Photo Challenge Letter #D with us what would your children see that begins with the letter E to take a picture of. Was it something you had in your home or did you have to take them somewhere to find something?
Also, do not forget to check out Thaleia Maher daughters post-Princess took one of her dogs, and you must check him out at.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie, and David Cates