Chicken Bacon Wraps

The Mommies Reviews

Charlie has always loved Chicken and the other day when I took the package of Chicken out to make dinner with. Charlie walked up and asked me what I was going to make. I let Charlie know I wasn’t sure. I asked Charlie if he had any ideas. Charlie asked if we could do Wraps like he used to get at McDonald’s.

As I thought about the Wraps we used to get I knew they couldn’t be that hard to make. I told Charlie that he needed to research a recipe for Chicken Bacon Wraps online not only for his Homeschool Reading Class but also for his Home Economic Cooking Class.

Charlie let me know he didn’t want to look up recipes. I asked Charlie why and he said he wanted to come up with his own Recipe. Which a lot of Top Chefs do. I told Charlie that would be fine. I helped Charlie gather all the ingredients then I left the kitchen so Charlie could get to cooking.

Charlie got out Chicken which comes in individual packs so you can choose how many you need. Oscar Mayor Microwave Bacon even though cooking your own Bacon taste so much better. Lawry’s Seasoning Salt for the Chicken. Sharp Cheddar Cheese and Shredded Lettuce.

The Bacon Cheese Wraps can also be a one dish or 30 minute meal for those on a hurry. They don’t break the budget as there is left over ingredients that can be used to make other dishes throughout the week. To save time Charlie did cook all the Chicken which he fried half and grilled the other half for Chicken Salad. Charlie also cooked all the Bacon which can be used for a meal or to season Vegetables.

Charlie got out my skillet sprayed the Pan with Canola Oil or Olive Oil which I forgot to ask him what he used. Put the Chicken in to Fry which takes about 10 minutes on each side. Then Charlie took the Chicken out of the pan to drain. Place the Bacon in the Microwave to cook.

I sat aside one of the Chicken Breast for me to add to my Chicken Bacon Ranch Salad Charlie was making the next day for my lunch. There was enough Chicken and Bacon for both Charlie and I to have the next day. As well as for David to have some as well.

Charlie warmed the Tortilla then he spread Ranch on one side. Placed the Lettuce on one side. Added the Cheddar Cheese, Then the Bacon and Chicken last. Then slid the wrap inside the Microwave so the Cheese could melt a little.

Charlie took the Chicken Bacon Ranch Wraps out of the Microwave and dinner was served for me. Charlie ended up eating Chips with his Wrap while David made French Fries in the Microwave for himself. While Charlie and David both had two wraps a piece I just had one which was plenty for me.

Recipe 10

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates