I would like to share a new product I received from Apple Cider Vinegar Gummies 1000MG Vitamin B12 Folate in exchange for a review. For information on the products you can check out there Press Release here and Adult & Children Melatonin Gummies with Passiflora Sleep Aid Gummy here.

For me personally I have two health issues I’ve been dealing with on a daily basis my blood pressure has been high and I need to lose weight now. Everyone I know has been signing the praises of Apple Cider Vinegar but I knew I wouldn’t be able to drink it. Then I was told it comes in Pills and my mother in law picked up a container for her and I.
I was taking it on a daily basis and ended up lowering my blood pressure by using it and the pills David would get me. Then I ran out and hadn’t been able to get another container which I need for my weight loss. Now, I am happy to say thanks to Checkable I have Adult & Children Melatonin Gummies with Passiflora Sleep Aid Gummy which is a Gummy and easy to swallow.
There isn’t a aftertaste. I take two Gummies a day with a meal we prepare or eat out and all I need to do is make sure its a healthy meal. With a glass of water helping me get in my water intake for the day. I like know its suggested to take them for 30 days because it takes 21 days to break a habit so this allows them to get into our system and to see if they work they way we want.
There is 60 Apple Cider Vinegar Gummies in the container so a container would last a month unless David takes them with me which he needs to do because he needs to lose weight as well. David is overweight even though he doesn’t think so and this puts extra pressure on his heart which isn’t good for David as he has issues with his heart.
Get a healthy dose of Apple Cider Vinegar in just one bite with our great tasting and easy to chew Gummies. Packed with all the digestive health benefits of ACV, including weight loss management, blood sugar regulation, and an energy boost, these convenient supplements are the perfect addition to your health routine and made for your on-the-go lifestyle.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates