Good morning, how are you? Before we begin our morning Charlie and I wanted to bring you Charlie’s Question of the Day March 4th, 2021. Once again the questions come from the book 3000 Questions About Me published by Piccadilly.

Question of the Day:

What is your greatest extravaganza?
Even Charlie can be extravagant and for Charlie it’s his Play Station which he is always wanting to add money to so he can play with his friends or family that is if David would play with him.
In the past it would have been shoes because Charlie was obsessed with Jordan’s or like any child toys and for Charlie it was anything to do with Wrestling.
For David he says Charlie and I because he tries to buy us anything and everything he thinks we would like to have. But not only us his parents as well.
I love how kind and caring Charlie is to not only Charlie and I but everyone he meets. Even my parents when they were here. Although, they could butt heads at time.
For my my greatest Extravagance is Charlie. I am always doing thing for him even when I don’t have the money. I did the same thing for Suzzane when she was here.
Before you ask is Charlie the only thing I am extravagant about and the answer is no, I am the same way with David. I would buy him the world if I could.
Although money isn’t everything you can also be extravagant in love and I am where Charlie and David come to. I would be lost without them and I hope I never have to live without them like I did Suzzane.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates