Good morning. How are you? It’s Wednesday we are half way through the first week of March. Man on man were is the time going?
David is home today and we will be rearranging the bedrooms and putting Charlie’s bed together. I can’t wait to get it done so we can hang his pictures up.
In the meantime I wanted to share Charlie’s Question of the Day March 3, 2021.
This morning’s question is coming from Charlie’s book 3000 Questions About Me.…

What is the trait you most deplore in yourself?
Charlie said he wasn’t sure which trait he most deplores in himself. But after thinking about it a while. Charlie said following through and finishing things he starts.
If you knew Charlie the way I do you would agree with me on Charlie finishing things but that is part of his ADD which drives me batty. I keep Praying Charlie will get better but he isn’t. I think it’s getting worse.
David says the trait he most deplores in himself is saying no… David doesn’t like to upset anyone. If someone ask David to do something he will do it and put off doing what he wants to do.
This drives me batty especially if we have plans and David’s mom or his work calls. Because a lot of times David cancels our plans to help them. I hate getting upset but it would be nice to be put first just once.

For me its saying no, as well but I am getting better at it and I have begun to say no. Just not as much as I should. Another fact I hate about myself is how people treat me.
I need to stand up to them and if they are mean or rude I need to stop them in there tracks. I shouldn’t let Charlie push me around or call me names. Being scared of his isn’t good and its the trait I deplore the more about me and my family.
Charlie says