Charlie’s Question of the Day is coming soon. If you follow me on Facebook you know what Charlie’s Question of the Day is. But if you don’t follow me on Facebook I would like to explain the series to you and to ask you to follow me on Facebook.
Charlie and I’ve been using questions from a couple books l I picked up at Target. For our Creative Writing Class. We pick a question out of 3000 Questions About Me from

Inside this series of journal is also 3000 Pick One Questions Pick This or Pick That which we have also used in our Homeschool Classes. Not only that I use these questions to build engagement on my Facebook page.

I dropped the ball and I haven’t been posting the way I was or even posting a daily picture for the 365 Day Photo Challenge but its okay. This is my business and I am Charlies teacher.
Stumbling and tripping is going to happen. I just need to work harder and catch up as I have had a wonderful opportunity brought to me. Now, its time to follow through and build my website which I can and will do through the Lord and my families support.
David and I purchased a new computer and tablet and he is helping me set up my office and all my blogging equipment so I can do Video Reviews and build a YouTube channel with Charlie’s help.
Please be watching tomorrow for our Question of the Day and also my new Food post and our Unique Holiday Post which all can be used in your Homeschooling Class and don’t forget our Board Game Lesson Plans.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates