Charlie Tuned 9 On December 16th

The Mommies Reviews

Charlie Tuned 9 On December16th which I am sure I mentioned it but encase I didn’t I wanted to let you know my baby oops little man oops  big man is now 9. So my question is where did the time go. How could Charlie be a baby one day and 9 years old now?

But I can tell you there isn’t one mom more prouder of her son than I am. I love Charlie for so many reasons and each and every day I fall deeper and deeper in love with Charlie. As well as become more prouder of him.

So today I thought I would share 5 special reasons I love and am so proud of Charlie.

  1. His compassion for everyone around him.
  2. His love of animals of all kinds and the way he takes care of them.
  3. How well he takes care of the items he is given including his clothes.
  4. The love he has for his dad and also his grandparents.
  5. The way he would help anyone at any time including giving them the shirt off his back.

But more than that I love the unexpected displays of love he gives me when I am not expecting it. Like yesterday when I was working and my back was hurting and I didn’t say anything about it and he walks up and just starts to rub my back. Once he finishes he says when you want it done again just ask me.

Or at night when he grabs our blankets and pillows and takes them into my room and turns on the TV for us. Grabs our drinks and puts in a movie for us. And lays down with me on my pillow and tells me secrets he doesn’t want anyone else to know. I just melt.

So today I would like to let you know Charlie I love you to the moon and back, more than Monster Trucks and Pizza Forever and Always You Will Be My Best Friend.

Hugs and Kisses always and forever!!

Love, Mom

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates