Charlie Reflecting On Summer At The Park

The Mommies Reviews

Yesterday after school I went to pick up Charlie. As I do this most everyday unless David is home. As it gives us a chance to discuss his day without any interruptions.

So once Charlie came outside the school I asked him if he was ready to go home or if he wanted to go to the park. As we have 2 different parks in our neighborhood. So he said he would like to go to the park.

So I asked Charlie if he wanted to get anything from the house before we went. Charlie said no, which surprised me as we usually play Soccer at the park between swinging and walking.

As soon as we arrived at the park I went to sit down and Charlie followed me. So I knew there was something on his mind or that something had happened at school.

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So we just sat at the table and I didn’t ask any questions as I wanted to see what Charlie was going to do or say. Finally Charlie says mom did you know its Summer? I said yes, I know it is why?

Then Charlie says I was just wondering what we will be doing this Summer besides going Swimming. So I asked if he had a reason why he was asking and he said yes, I would like to go to camp with Kayden.

Now this totally took me by surprise but it was a nice surprise. So Charlie will be attending camp with Kayden if David and I can come up with the money. Although if not that is OK as well as Boy Scouts also sent a paper home about a camp and it is free.

So it seems this Summer for the first time in over 9 years I will not have a child at home. Which both saddens me and makes me excited. As it means David and I will have some time together by ourselves.

Plus it means I will not need to put the blog on hold like I have in the past. So I can continue to regrow it and rebuild my stats. As well as prepare for this years Christmas Gift Guide if I decide to do one.

So be watching for lots and lots of new content to be added to the blog in the upcoming months. As well as lots of new reviews. And if possible a few Giveaways here and there.

So in the meantime I wish you a blessed Summer and I would like to invite you to come back and share with Charlie and I what all you and your family have planned for the Summer.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates