Charlie & Mouse Written By Laurel Snyder

The Mommies Reviews

Charlie and I have been spending a lot of time together during his school break as David has been working. Which included Christmas and Christmas Eve. Charlie and I had been discussing his dreams for the New Year. As we were talking we ventured onto the subject of school and Charlie entering 5th grade next year. As we talked Charlie let me know he was afraid he wouldn’t be ready.

I didn’t want to admit this to Charlie but I also am afraid he might not be and that he will struggle as the work might be to hard for Charlie. As we were online Charlie asked if we could look for new books to purchase in the New Year. Even though he had gotten a lot of books as he wants to make sure he has enough to read everyday because Charlie thinks this will help prepare him for the Starr Test and I agreed with Charlie. As we was looking around we found Charlie & Mouse Written By Laurel Snyder.

I asked Charlie why he wanted to read Charlie & Mouse Written By Laurel Snyder and Charlie says any book that has Charlie inside it would be a fun book to read as it would remind him of himself as he is Charlie. Once Charlie was finished talking I asked him what he thought about the book having a mouse inside it and he said that is fine as he would like to have a rat for Christmas.

I reminded Charlie when he was little and put a dead rat into my bed and Charlie has promised if we get him this new book not to scare me with the mouse and to keep any pet mice he gets in his room. Now before you ask me if Charlie is going to get some mice the answer is no, no way, no how because it would be my luck they would get out of the cage and end up in my bed and I would have a heart attack.

Four hilarious stories, two inventive brothers, one irresistible book! Join Charlie and Mouse as they talk to lumps, take the neighborhood to a party, sell some rocks, and invent the bedtime banana. With imagination and humor, Laurel Snyder and Emily Hughes paint a lively picture of brotherhood that children will relish in a format perfect for children not quite ready for chapter books.

Charlie & Mouse Written By Laurel Snyder

Laurel Snyder

I’ve been writing pretty devotedly, in one form or fashion, since I was about seven. In the fourth grade, I announced to the world that I planned to become “rich and famous writing books and plays for children!” Then I intended to adopt every stray dog and cat in the city of Baltimore and move them all into an old mansion, not far from where I lived.

Well, I’m not rich by any means, I live in a rather small brick house, and I only have one cat, but I am (blessedly) writing books for kids, and I couldn’t be more amazed or delighted.

Most days I spend with my sons (who are tiny) smeared with peanut butter, finger paint, and silly joy. But late at night, I write these books… and I hope you’ll read one…

And if you like that book, (or even if you don’t) I hope you’ll write to me, and say hello!

I have a question for you have you or your children read this book and if so what did you or your children think of it and why?

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates