I wanted to get Charlie off his game and outside this week to do this I have decided to restart a Garden and inside the Garden I wanted to add a Fairy Garden. Then I thought Charlie and I could make the Cement Garden Spoons to decorate the Garden even more.

1 cup of Portland Cement
1/2 cup of water
Silicone spoon mold
Chalkboard paint Gold
Chalk Paint Pens
Cooking Spray

Directions: Mix 1 cup of Portland cement and a half a cup of tap water until smooth and the consistency of pudding.
Spray the silicone mold with cooking spray.

Pour the cement into the mold and tap the air bubbles out by gently tapping it on your work surface.
Allow to dry in the sun for 3 hours.

Pop the cement spoons out of the mold and paint both sides with chalkboard paint.
Allow to dry for about an hour.

Mark with the name of your plant with a chalk paint pen and place in the garden.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates