CBD Oil For Dogs

The Mommies Reviews

Frequently Asked Questions about CBD Oil for Dogs

Rottweiler, Puppy, Dog, Dogs, Cute, Animal, Animals

It was in the summer of 2016 when Bryan’s vet friend recommended that he should look into CBD for dogs. His oldest dog was suffering from joint pain, and the other kennels seem to be very anxious whenever he walks out of the door. When he decided to try it, he discovered that this seemingly “miracle cure” works wonders! 

To those who have testified that CBD is a need for anyone who owns a dog, they can prove that the CBD products such as oil, treats, or creams can help alleviate pain or anxiety that your pet is experiencing. The pets seemed to calm down whenever they go on car rides, or they are able to get their appetite back after days of eating nothing. You can click here to know more about CBD.

What is CBD Anyway, and What Does it Do?

It is understandable not just to follow anything that you’ve read on the internet. It would help if you also did your research and a bit of investigation about any new groundbreaking medicine that your friend was raving about.

CBD is short for cannabidiol, which is a substance derived from the hemp plant. You can know more about this substance in this site here: https://www.webmd.com/vitamins/ai/ingredientmono-1439/cannabidiol-cbd. You might say that this is the same plant that marijuana also came from. But, there’s a considerable difference between weed and hemp. Hemp does not make your pet high, but pot will undoubtedly do that.

In their methods of extraction, hemp is often extracted using solvents or CO2. The extracts found in the hemp plant are called CBD, and they don’t contain as much THC as the ones in weed. CBD is very safe, and they act as a pain reliever without any side effects, such as intoxication.

The human body and your dog have the same endocannabinoid system. This system controls sensations such as hunger, pain, immunity, and stress. CBD targets this system, which directly affects these sensations. When the receptors act, they can create a calming effect on the body. This means that your pet will significantly reduce their episodes of epilepsy, or they can be relieved from joint pain due to arthritis.

FAQs about CBD

Is Cannabinoid Good for your Dog?

CBD is an excellent pain reliever for your pet. They are safe, and they act as a relaxing stimulant without the psychoactive side effects. They are made using hemp seed oil that is not only healthy; they are also considered as safe supplements to your dog.

How to Determine if the Product is Organic?

The right substance will not contain any herbicides, fungicides, pesticides, and solvents. Organic products are made from premium hemp plants and made by a known manufacturer. You can read the label and make sure that the oil is organic, and you can research on the internet to know more about how the manufacturers grew hemp plants.

Will Your Dog Get a Buzz?

CBD does not contain any psychoactive ingredient and it’s different in marijuana. It will not, therefore, give your furry friend a buzz. Only marijuana contains the psychoactive ingredient called THC, but cannabidiol acts as a pain-relief agent, and relaxant without the need to “get high.”

What Other Conditions Can CBD Treat?

There are reports and stories of many pet owners that CBD has treated anxiety, nausea, epilepsy, inflammation, loss of appetite, arthritis, and more in dogs. But these cases lack studies that have been published, so it can be hard to determine which claims are valid and which ones are purely based on anecdotes.

What’s the Vets’ Stand on Cannabidiol?

The answer to this can be unsatisfying because vets don’t have a definitive answer when asked about CBD. Most of them don’t recommend it and do not prohibit owners from using it. Vets don’t have a lot of opportunities to study the potential harm and benefits of CBD, so their lips are sealed. 

What You Can Do

Cbd, Cbd Oil, Hemp, Tincture, Cbd Tincture, Healthy

It can be frustrating for owners when their vets are ambiguous on the subject of cannabinoids. Most owners go with the feelings in their gut and plan to give oil and tincture to their pet no matter what anyone says. 

Having stated this, there are certain things to do when you are planning to give any unstudied and unregulated supplement to your pet.

Do an In-Depth Research – You should research as if your very life depends on it. You should not believe any marketing schemes and unsubstantial claims that you see on the internet. Read and ask around.

You should conduct background research about the company. Discover if they were sued in the past or if they have taken penalties from the FDA for making false advertisements. You need to know if their staff consists of veterinarians or students who are studying in an accredited vet school.

Try to Give a Small Dose – It would help if you tried to give small doses of CBD oil to see how your dog will react to it. If it’s effective, try to increase the dosage after a week to see if your pet’s recovery from arthritis and other medical condition it is experiencing will speed up.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates