This is a sponsored post with Canvas Discount and BraVoMark. All opinions are mine.)
I was blessed last month when I was accepted to conduct a review for My father is turning 80 years old. I needed a Birthday Gift for my dad.

I would like to let you know my father is one of those who can purchase anything he wants for himself. My dad hates when his kids spend money on him. I wracked my mind trying to decided what would be the perfect gift to get my father.
I was working my sister called to let me know she would like to host a Birthday party for my dad. This meant all of our family would be together for the first time in a long time.
I was trying to figure out what to purchase for my dad I would hear my moms voice saying I always wanted a Family Photo and we wasn’t ever able to get one made.

An email arrived from I knew when we were visiting my father I would get a photo with all of my family and turn it into a canvas so my dad would always have his family with him.
In the meantime, as I was sitting at my desk I knew I hadn’t had pictures of David and Charlie in a while. When Charlie got dressed the other morning for an event at his school, I snapped a photo of Charlie which melted my heart.
When I looked at Charlie in the photo it was like looking into the past, when Charlie’s father was a teenager. I stopped what I was doing and took Charlie’s picture, which I turned into a canvas that David would be able to hang in his office. He’ll receive the canvas for Father’s Day
Before I could check out I found myself ordering extra copies of the canvas in different sizes because I knew would make the perfect Gift for our family.
Next) week I plan on having family photos and having a canvas created through, which we will be able to hang over my fireplace.
Inside that canvas, I plan on including our animals this way when Charlie is grown and the animals have passed away, he will be able to show his pets to his children.
I can’t wait until this year to visit for Fathers Day Gifts for David and my dad. I want to purchase a coffee mug for them and a photo mouse pad for myself and also David’s mom.
I would like to let you know website was easy to navigate for anyone to use. Getting my picture to upload was painless and even though I don’t take the best pictures my canvas is beautiful.
I liked knowing I could add text to each canvas I have made from We can pick the style of font we would like to use. I can’t wait to use these services from I create the Gifts I plan on purchasing for Father’s Day.
I also love how offers us coupons allowing us to save on the items we are purchasing because this allows me to purchase more Gifts for those I love.
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Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates