Can Fiberglass Pools Be Heated?

The Mommies Reviews

Discover the benefits of heating rectangular fiberglass pools and how it extends your swimming season.

Swimming is all about comfort and relaxation. 

If you have fiberglass pools at your place, you get stuck on a question – can fibreglass pools be heated? 

Undoubtedly, it adds a touch of luxury to your space. However, it also allows you to extend the swimming season. 

As a result, the overall value of the property with a pool increases.

Fiberglass pools are known for their durability and easy maintenance. 

Let’s gain insights into heating these rectangular swimming pools

Methods You Can Use to Heat Your Fiberglass Pools

There are different heating systems you can use for fiberglass pools. These include – 

Solar Heating

Solar power is among the popular and cost-effective methods one can use for pool heating. 

It further uses energy from the sun that is used to heat the pool.

Solar can be an environmentally friendly option when it comes to heating. 

It can save you money on your power bills.

How do these work?

Solar power heating runs through a solar pump. It uses very little energy, around 1 KW in an hour. 

So, when you pump the cold water with different solar absorber capillary tubes on your hot roofs, the water is heated. 

It is then returned to the pools. 

The method is effective in maintaining a consistent temperature in the rectangle inground pool water. 

Solar power heating works effectively when there is excess sunshine on a sunny day. 

A solar heater can result in a 2-degree increase in the temperature. 

When there is a lot of rain without sun or during night time, the solar heating system needs to work better. 

Electric Heating

Electric heat pumps are among the popular choices that homeowners use. 

They are inexpensive methods that one can use to heat their pools cost-effectively. The difference is they reuse energy. It is done by collecting heat present in the air. 

Then, they send it to the pool water through a heat exchanger. 

An electric heating system can be much more effective than a solar system. 

It does not entirely rely on the sun for heat. Instead, it can collect the heat from the air even during night and rain. 

It takes less time to heat your pool than solarGuest Article For: heat pumps. 

However, they usually need more energy to run. It makes them costly and less environmentally friendly options. 

Electric systems don’t heat the water as much as the solar systems. 

However, those work more effectively for months than the solar. 

Gas Heating

Gas is among the most expensive methods to heat your fiberglass pools. No doubt, it has many benefits. 

However, the best thing about gas heating is that you can virtually heat your pool. 

You can set up the temperature you need for the entire year. 

Gas heating is usually used for spas as they maintain a reliable temperature. No matter the season, it can be enjoyable all year round. 

The good thing about a gas system is that it quickly heats the water. You can heat your spa in even less than an hour, depending on the size of the system. 

It is great when you want to use your pools quickly. 

They are not environmentally friendly, so the pool owners keep them as a backup option. 

These are usually used when solar systems are not working and getting enough energy from the sun to heat.  


Each pool heating system has its own advantages and disadvantages. It is up to you to decide which one is suitable for your rectangular fiberglass pool. Consider your personal preference and budget when choosing the one. 

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates