Can Addyi Help Treat HSDD for Women?

The Mommies Reviews


Addyi (Flibanserin), available from, is a prescription medication that is used to treat pre-menopausal women suffering from HSDD (Hypoactive [low] Sexual Desire Disorder). It is the first drug that has been used to treat a lack of sexual desire.

How to take Addyi

Addyi comes in tablet form, to be ingested orally. It typically takes four weeks for patients to begin to see results, with these peaking between eight to ten weeks into the treatment.

Closely follow the instructions on your prescription regarding what dose to take. Only take the recommended dosage and do not exceed it. Ensure to check these details with your doctor.

What to expect

Whilst not making patients hyper-sexual, Addyi helps restore a woman’s natural sex drive to a healthy level. It works by reducing serotonin in the brain, as serotonin causes sexual inhibition. 

As well as reporting increased sexual desire, patients have also noted a return to feeling fulfilled and pleasured by sexual activity again. During clinical trials, 40-60% of women with HSDD have recognized an improvement in their libido. Additionally, they’ve observed a reduction in their feelings of anxiousness around the subject of sex. They have begun to feel more comfortable to engage in intercourse again.

Who is it right for?

Addyi is not appropriate for women who’ve experienced a reduced libido in the past, or those who suffer from HSDD due to a mental health or medical issue. However, it is right for women who’ve experienced sexual desire in the past, but lost it. 

When this occurs, it can be distressing and demoralizing, and may lead to relationship issues with their partner. The aim of Addyi is to restore a woman’s libido to a healthy level, so she can enjoy sex and feel fulfilled by it again.

Side effects

Side effects of Addyi can include drowsiness, dizziness, fainting, nausea, a dry mouth, as well as difficulty falling and staying asleep. If you’re taking other medication, check with your doctor to see if Addyi is compatible with it. Addyi should not be taken directly in conjunction with alcohol, as this may cause low blood pressure and a loss of consciousness. In addition, avoid consuming grapefruit when taking Addyi, as this has shown to have adverse side effects.

Furthermore, Addyi won’t cause a woman to not be able to say no to sex; it doesn’t cloud her judgement. She can continue to make choices about her sexual partners in exactly the same way as she usually does.


Addyi is an FDA-approved medication. During clinical trials, the drug has been tested on over 11,000 individuals. It is authorized as safe for consumption and is expanding in proliferation within the medical field. Whilst taking it, your doctor will monitor your progress, to check how you react with it and that it is benefitting you.

The drug should not be taken by individuals with a condition that affects their liver, pregnant women, or those breastfeeding. If you’re suffering from a pre-existing medical issue, talk with your doctor to see if Addyi is suitable for you. You should not drive a car or operate heavy machinery for six hours after taking it.

How long should I stay on Addyi?

This is dependent on the plan that you and your doctor devise when you begin taking it. However, if you haven’t noticed any change within twelve weeks, it’s likely that this medication doesn’t affect you, and you should discuss alternative treatments.

Will Addyi enhance my sexual performance?

No, Addyi is not used for this purpose, but rather to revive a woman’s sex drive and interest in sexual activity.

Can men take Addyi? What about post-menopausal women?

Addyi is not suitable for men. Moreover, it is not currently approved for the use of post-menopausal women and should not be taken by them. This may change in the future, once further research has been conducted in that demographic. 

Where to buy Addyi

The treatment is available from the aforementioned website. Firstly, you will be assessed for suitability by a physician in a virtual appointment. Progressing through this stage, you’ll be able to order Addyi to your home. It’s also available at pharmacies by prescription.

How much does it cost?

Addyi costs a subscription of $20 per month, with insurance cover. Home delivery is free.

Is Addyi a type of Viagra?

No, Addyi and Viagra function in very different ways. Viagra stimulates a man’s body, whereas Addyi stimulates a woman’s brain, affecting the areas associated with her libido. This treatment will not only allow a woman to feel interested in sex again, it will enable her to regain confidence and familiarity around the subject.


In summation, Addyi is indeed a highly effective treatment for improving sexual desire in women. It has the capacity to transform a woman’s life positively. Instead of experiencing frustration due to HSDD, she can once again enjoy a vibrant, active sex life.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates