Camp Horseshoe

The Mommies Reviews

Charlie David and I went to the Summer Camp Expo in Dallas, Texas. While walking around we came upon a camp called Camp Horseshoe. Boy’s being boys Charlie wanted to let his dad know there was a camp based on Horseshoes.

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Charlie and David throw Horseshoes together. In the past they even joined a Horseshoe Competition team in the past. I heard what Charlie said to his dad I had to let Charlie know Camp Horseshoe wasn’t based on Horseshoes.

Once I explained what Camp Horseshoe was. We were able to talk to the Counselor. Charlie let me know he might like to attend Camp Horseshoe . Which surprised me because Charlie hasn’t ever wanted to go to a Camp.

I reminded Charlie Camp Horseshoe is out of State and Charlie wouldn’t be able to come home at the drop of a hat. We wouldn’t be able to visit Charlie the way I would like.

We decided Camp Horseshoe wasn’t right for our family I thought you might like to check into Camp Horseshoe for your children. Which is why I decided to share information on Camp Horseshoe with you.

The Northwoods Camp For Boys in Rhinelander, Wisconsin
Image result for pictures from Camp Horseshoe

The Heart of Horseshoe
Camp Horseshoe is everything a boy could ever want out of summer AND so much more! Our dynamic program offers premier athletics, awesome outdoor adventure, exceptional water sports and extraordinary tripping programs.

Add that to our never ending line-up of innovative activities, creative evening programs, and unique special events, and you’ve got a summer camp experience beyond imagination! And it’s all run at an unsurpassed level of excellence by Owner/Directors Jordan and Fran Shiner and the incomparable Horseshoe staff.

But these incredible activities are only the beginning. Our campers call the Horseshoe experience “amazing” “indescribable” and “the best place on earth.” We call it “The Heart of Horseshoe,” our philosophy of creating maximum fun and endless variety while promoting positive values and growth through meaningful accomplishment.

Campers may come to Horseshoe for our spirited sports leagues or towering climbing wall, but what they leave with are experiences and memories that eclipse any peak or play. Scaling “Mt Shoe” they gain self-confidence. Striving toward the Na Ta Ne and Golden Horseshoe Honor Tribes they build perseverance. Bonding with teammates throughout Blue/Green and Shoe Madness they develop lifelong friendships. At “The Shoe” every day is a new adventure, a fresh opportunity to seize challenges, have endless fun, and bring out the best in each boy.

Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates