Besides the movie Reel Steel movie BeetleJuice is one of Charlie’s all time favorite movies. As well as the only scary movie other than Casper the Friendly Ghost I will watch.
When I was at Tanger Outlets Fort Worth we saw I wanted to go inside to look at the Calendars they have for my office. While inside we found aisles of Board Games we could use in Homeschooling with Board Games.
As soon as I found Aquarius Beetlejuice Card Scramble I knew I wanted to get it for Charlie. Charlie found Stranger Things Monopoly which is his new favorite TV show.
I told Charlie he could get Stranger Things Monopoly. I would wait on Aquarius Beetlejuice Card Scramble.David was nice and got both of them for us.

As well as Scooby Doo Monopoly because Charlie and David love Scooby Doo. When we were leaving the store David said he can’t wait to come back to purchase. Scooby Doo Clue for Charlie and the Golden Girls Monopoly for me.
I must tell you Charlie and I are truly blessed to have David in our lives. I would be so lost without David and I wouldn’t have anything including this blog or even be able to Homeschool Charlie.