Buying Your Child A Console This Christmas? Here’s How To Stop Them Becoming Gaming Addicts, From An Expert 

The Mommies Reviews

Gaming expert shares top tips for avoiding headaches and drama after buying your little ones a games console for Christmas

Key Points:

  • Gaming expert shares top strategies to keep kids from developing unhealthy gaming habits after receiving a new console this Christmas
  • Expert highlights how parents can spot the warning signs of gaming dependency and develop balanced habits early on
  • Proactive steps and tools include alternative activities and parental controls, so that gaming doesn’t replace real-world skills or interests

You never forget that feeling. You begged, pleaded and maybe even lobbied for a console for Christmas. Then that big mysterious box placed under the tree shows up. Not wanting to spoil the moment, you try to avoid disappointment by going along with the lie you tell yourself: “It’s probably an avocado, or a heavy box of socks.” 

But then the moment finally comes, you’re having an out of body experience just tearing the wrapping paper off to unveil… the latest PlayStation, Xbox, or even a Nintendo Sixty-FOURRR!! 

Cue the endless gaming sessions, tip-toeing around like a cat burglar to sneak another hour of gaming in and the anxiety of being away from your beloved console whilst you’re at school. What you never realized was how reliant you were on this electronic box for your own happiness. In other words – you were addicted.

Fast forward a couple of years, you’ve shaken off that addiction and now you find yourself in the same situation your parents were in many moons ago. Your kids have behaved accordingly, attained the right grades and are just so adorable that the latest Sony or Microsoft offering is the perfect reward for them this Christmas. But what’s to say they won’t be hooked to the digital endorphins like you once were?

“These days, protecting your children from gaming addiction isn’t the mammoth task it used to be,” game developer and CEO of FreezeNova Games Marin Cristian-Ovidiu tells us. “There are a lot more tools out there to help with setting boundaries and responsible gaming.”  

Here, he offers insights into how you can deter your kids from gaming addiction:

1. Play Together

Playing together with your little one(s) can be a joy and a big learning tool in the fight against addiction. You can learn what kind of games get them ticking and which ones don’t. Not only is this a fun task for you to bond over with, it’s also a chance to ward off any negative experience or unwanted language they may encounter with online games. This goes a long way toward setting limits and knowing what to avoid genre-wise. 

Marin’s advice: “Now I’ve seen some parents take this step a bit too far and end up becoming the ones addicted. Avoid over-reliance on this step and dedicate a bit of time studying your child’s gaming habits. It will help in the long-run.”

2. Keep It Out Of Their Bedrooms

If your child already has a TV in their room and urges you to let them set up the console in the bedroom, you can afford to be lenient on this for the first couple of days. But once the holidays are over and it’s time to hit the books again, it’s best to get the console out of there and into the TV room or entertainment room. 

Marin’s advice: “Before investing in any console, make sure you know how to set it up and move it around. If it’s taking too much of a toll on you and your child’s relationship, maybe allow it in the bedroom on the weekends or on special occasions, and set a curfew.”

3. Limiting Game Time

Nowadays, you don’t just have to rely on the honor system to limit your child’s play-time, especially if you’re unsure on how much time they’re spending on it. You can now set a time limit through the console’s settings, even on the console’s app and website. This step is important to helping maintain a balanced schedule.

Marin’s advice: “I’d start off with the honor system. If all else, use the in-console limiters. Console manufacturers have taken the extra steps to help parents with the in-game limit options and tools.” 

4. Age-Appropriate Games

In this internet age, protecting your child from inappropriate content is becoming more and more of an uphill struggle. Age-appropriate games are key to your child enjoying their new console in a safe and healthy way. With games varying in content, themes, and complexity more so now, it’s important to start checking ESRB (Entertainment Software Rating Board) or PEGI (Pan European Game Information) ratings to identify whether a title is suitable for your child’s age.

Marin’s advice: “Platforms like Common Sense Media and provide detailed reviews and recommendations for parents, outlining not just age ratings but also educational value, violence levels, and overall appropriateness, making sure your child’s gaming experiences remain fun and enriching.”

5. Creating A Sense Of Understanding

Along with setting time limits and selecting age-appropriate games, making sure you talk with your kids about the trouble you may have been through to buy them their new console and setting an agreement can go a long way. Setting consequences if they break the agreement and following through on them can help instill a sense of respect for you as a parent and go towards guaranteeing any rebellious behavior is kept to a minimum.

Marin’s advice: “Kids are usually more mature than you think. A calm sit down with them to explain things instead of chastising them can help them see things for what they are and promote healthy behavior. And if they can’t see things maturely, make sure you follow through on the consequences, be it no gaming for a few days, weeks or even a month.”

6. Get Them Involved with Other Activities

Involve your kids with something that will get them out of the house and help develop their real-life skills. This could be sports, Scouts, or even a language or art class. These activities are vital for children to explore a variety of interests to maintain that ever-so-important balance. These activities reduce reliance on gaming for entertainment while also helping children develop leadership and teamwork skills, and a sense of responsibility.

Marin’s advice: “Encouraging alternative activities will see to it that gaming doesn’t become the sole focus in a child’s life, creating a more well-rounded and fulfilling childhood.” 

Marin Cristian-Ovidiu, CEO of FreezeNova Games comments:

“Preventing gaming addiction in your kids requires a blend of consistency, communication, and adaptability. As parents, you need to help guide your children to develop healthier habits around gaming. 

“One way to reinforce these strategies is by creating a collaborative environment. You can do this by asking for their input when setting time limits or choosing age-appropriate games. When kids feel involved in decision-making, they’re more likely to respect the boundaries set. Additionally, model the balance you’re teaching. If they see you actively engaging in hobbies, family activities or limiting your own screen time, they’re more likely to follow suit.

“Acknowledge when they turn off the console on time or invest energy into alternative activities like sports or creative hobbies – rewarding good habits is as important as preventing bad habits. Most importantly, stay flexible. As your child grows, their needs and interests will evolve, and your approach should too. Building a foundation of trust, fairness, and mutual respect is the most impactful way to ensure gaming stays a fun and balanced part of their life.”



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About FreezeNova Games

FreezeNova offers gamers the freedom to enjoy their favorite games without any restrictions. Dedicated to providing free access to a wide array of high-quality, unblocked games, FreezeNova ensures an enjoyable and addictive experience for gamers of all levels. Whether you prefer solo play or enjoy competing with friends, FreezeNova’s community features facilitate fast and easy connections with fellow gamers. The platform fosters a friendly and positive atmosphere, promoting engaging conversations and thrilling competitions. FreezeNova caters to diverse gaming preferences, offering everything from shooters and racing games to puzzles and survival simulators. 

CEO Marin Cristian-Ovidiu is a developer with 10+ years of experience in game design and development. Marin first introduced FreezeNova as a brand for indie games when he published Crazy Ball. Established as a start-up company in 2019, FreezeNova’s mission is to develop and publish fun, accessible games that can be enjoyed online by everyone.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates