Business Building Can & Should Always Happen

Last Friday Louann Albright a Avon Representative and I was going to go out to go over the Social Sites she should have for Avon. As I waited for her to pick me up she let me know she needed to run a errand out to Southlake and I could go with her or she could pick me up afterwards. So since I am a firm believer in business building can & should always happen no matter what your doing.

I chose to go with LouAnn  as I hadn’t been to that area of Southlake for awhile. So LouAnn picked me up and off we went to Southlake so she could visit the post office and do a return she needed to do for Avon As we got back into the car to leave I asked her to grab a Avon catalog and business card.

Once she did we went and walked the strip shopping center and handed out her book to a Dentist office and was able to talk  to them about hosting a table at our next event.

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Then we went and got back into the car and took off to the Dollar Store and as we was checking out I asked LouAnn a question which lead to her being able to leave another book and the cashier is thinking of joining Avon.

So as your out and about never be afraid to ask question to the people around you as you they may be looking for your services or you might be able to help them out. As well as be the only person they spoke to that day. So always smile and say Hello.

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates