Broken Water: An Extraordinary True Story

The Mommies Reviews

Broken Water: An Extraordinary True Story by Barbara Layen is the latest book I received for a review.

Broken Water: An Extraordinary True Story tells the story 0f 11 siblings left by their mom. You will find yourself crying not only because the stories are heartbreaking, but because you see someone you love in the story. In Broken Water we learn it’s okay to be broken and not be able to see the light at the end of the tunnel

Broken Water: An Extraordinary True Story shares issues of child abuse, neglect, and family separation with the story of eleven sisters. Lane’s personal journey involves her adoption as a very young child by an abusive mobster whose actions were horrible., Through Broken Water we start to believer Lane is lucky to be alive. Lane was not allowed to stay in contact with her sisters, because they weren’t her “real family” anymore. Which would be heartbreaking for anyome.

Lane tells her story with such honesty and courage, giving her readers an opportunity to face the harsh realities of child abuse without flinching. Lane’s emotional intelligence encourages the reader to transcend feelings of shock, horror, sympathy and even empathy. Instead, readers are gently invited to experience a call to action that feels impossible to ignore. in this way, Lane’s story is not just about creating awareness; it inspires action.

As an adult, Lane’s search for her biological sisters spanned decades and repeatedly led to dead end after dead end which a lot of people would have stopped. Not Lane and the chances of reconnecting eleven sisters after a separation that exceeded thirty years seems almost impossible; yet “almost impossible” is not the same as impossible. Through Broken Water we learn hope never dies.

Lane’s story comes full circle with a heartwarming reunion when her sisters find her! Tenacity such as this speaks volumes to persistence, even in the face of extreme adversity. Broken Water: An Extraordinary True Story is also a powerful message to society about the importance of fighting against all odds to maintain the sanctity of family.

Barbara Lane’s storytelling has brought her a international base of dedicated and discerning followers. Barbara’s ability to share personal trauma into a compelling story while raising awareness about social issues places her in a league of her own. Broken Water: An Extraordinary True Story brings a profound sense of urgency and responsibility in readers, encouraging them to engage in safeguarding children and advocating for their rights. Lane invites her readers to be part of the solution in addressing these societal issues.

I usually share the books I read with David and Charlie but will not be sharing Broken Water: An Extraordinary True Story with Charlie until he is older. Because with someone who has dealt with mental issues it could trigger them into depression which thank the LORD didn’t have to me but I did spend a lot of time crying and trying to come to terms with why a mom would leave their children and why someone would do these things to a child which made me want to hold Charlie just a little tighter.


Eleven sisters, abandoned and abused, reunite after forty-three years and share their stories…

In this true story of resilience in the face of hardship, Barbara Lane and her sister Kay survive abandonment by their mother only to face severe abuse while living in foster care: the home of a Mafia grunt. But for Barbara, missing her nine other sisters was more than she could bear.

This well-written and powerful memoir reveals Barbara’s hidden abuse and invites the reader to journey with her through the many years she spent trying to find her sisters and solve the intriguing mystery of her family of origin.

Broken Water is an honest and unforgettable tale of inspiration and transformation, a story of perseverance and tremendous faith. Barbara further chronicles her bereavement journey, coming to terms with death, grief and the unmistakeable understanding that life is brief but can be glorious; that loss and suffering can become the roots of wisdom, joy and a fulfilling life.

Barbara spent 15 years gathering her sisters’ stories, each one telling their own unique experience of family, child abuse, abandonment and what it means to be a sister. Each story helped Barbara solve the mystery of her past and piece together the most broken places in her heart and soul.

As an Ordained Ministerial Counselor, Barbara also shares compelling stories of clients she has helped to overcome their own haunting histories

**This book contains content that might be troubling to some readers including, but not limited to, depictions of and references to child abuse, childhood trauma, neglect, and death. Please be mindful of these and other possible triggers and seek assistance, if needed, from a mental health professional.**

About the Author: Barbara Lane

Rev. Barbara Lane integrates her life experiences of being a foster child, sister, wife, mother, grandmother, entrepreneur, speaker, child advocate, educator, ministerial counselor, and author into her writing. By sharing her own personal journey, Barbara destigmatizes the fate of child abuse survivors, leading her to write “Broken Water.”

In addition to her 25-year service in private practice as a ministerial counselor, Barbara’s educational background in human development, social sciences, and family psychology with a focus on child abuse, inspires her to share her expertise on interrelated issues: the family, family separation, the foster care system, attachment and bonding, child maltreatment, relationship formation, the resilience of the human spirit, healing from trauma, and the power found in having faith in something greater than the self.

When not writing, you will find Barbara enjoying nature, reading, swimming, playing sports, and people watching. She especially enjoys spending time with her grandchildren. Barbara lives in the Shenandoah Valley in Virginia with her husband, Jim, who remains her childhood sweetheart.

To those who have read “Broken Water,” thank you from the bottom of my heart. I have received reviews that have brought me to tears. If I could reach out to each of you I would send warm thanks and blessings!

Thank you,

Glenda, Charlie and David Cates