Last year at Christmas I purchased Bottle Buster for David and Charlie. Even though Bottle Buster is for Beer I thought Charlie could use it to open the Soda’s he buys.
I liked knowing Bottle Busters has there name on the Man’s Bottle Opener because they will not fight over them. David opened Bottle Buster up he let me know they would be perfect Gifts for the men he works with.
Charlie let me know he isn’t going to use Bottle Buster as a Bottle Opener or as a Coaster but to use it as a Fridge Magnet to hold important papers Charlie brings home from school.

David, let me know the number one way he would use his is as a Coaster to sit his can of beer on. David, drinks more cans than bottles. But now that David has the Bottle Buster he says he may purchase bottles more.
Man’s Bottle opener, Coaster, Fridge Magnet
Bottle Buster Man’s Bottle opener, Coaster, Fridge Magnet. Our fantastic Bottle Buster is the world’s most useful beer mat, combining a fridge magnet with a bottle opener; it becomes ‘man’s best friend’ and an ideal and trendy man-gift.
With an RRP of only 3.99 the end-user is able to purchase a unique, tough and durable ‘kitchen utensil’ with novelty and themed appeal. The range includes 133 names, and generics such as ‘top bloke’ and ‘Best Dad’.
Welcome to the home of personalised gifts.
At Mulberry Studios we pride ourselves on the variety and unique design of our range of personalized products.
With over 20 years of personalized product innovations we now distribute our lines globally.
Our trademark is quality, our price point is impulse-buy and our products are unique.
Renowned for our best-selling sentiment and personalized gifts,
our attractive coordinated concept lines are designed to add value to your business.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates