Allegiance By Marilee Brothers


Book Review Allegiance By Marilee Brothers

Allegiance (The Soul Seekers Series) by [Marilee Brothers]

Allegiance a fun read with a unique cast of characters. I liked that inside Allegiance you will find romance, suspense, as well as a little bit of magic. Now don’t let that fool you as this is the type of book that makes you think and keeps us on the edge of our seats.

Mel reminds me of myself as she is a little bit sassy,  and has this “I’m going to do it my way” kind of attitude. Which does get  Mel into a little trouble. Or should I say a lot of trouble. So if you would like to know a secret this sounds like me when I was younger and on my own.

Allegiance is a great type of book to read at any time and anywhere. So let me give you a hint about this book as I know it will have you running to the book store to get your own copy: Mel has not one, but two guys vying for her affection? So now I have a question for you what would you do with two guys vying for your attention?

The Soul Seekers Series
Marilee Brothers
The Wild Rose Press
Romantic Comedy, Paranormal Fantasy, Romantic Suspense
Rating: Hot
Page Count: 322
Word Count: 77450
978-1-5092-1203-3 Paperback
978-1-5092-1204-0 Digital
Digital Price: 4.99
Release Date: 2017-01-18

Transplanted California girl, Melanie Sullivan, vows to stay in Oregon until she nails the killer of her best friend, Dani. Mel’s ability to search a soul for innocence or guilt is a big plus. Her love for Billy the Kid, former Marine and now a detective with the 3 Peaks police department is also a factor in her decision. She’s not quite sure what’s going on with Billy. Has the PTSD from his Middle East deployments returned?

When a hate crime is committed in 3 Peaks, Mel is recruited by sexy Homeland Security agent, Mick, who requires her soul-reading ability. Mick doesn’t hide his feelings. He’s more than eager to step in if Billy steps out, a complication Mel doesn’t need or want. As she goes undercover, Mel embarks on a dangerous journey, aided by her Uncle Paco and devoted friends.

Along the way, she learns a valuable lesson about the power of forgiveness.

Marilee Brothers

Biography: Marilee Brothers

I’m a lifelong resident of Washington state and the author of a young adult urban fantasy series (Unbidden Magic) as well as two adult novels, Castle Lady slipper and the Rock and Roll Queen of Bedlam. My husband and I spend five months a year in southern California, not far from Los Angeles and San Diego. I spent a number of years as a teacher and school counselor. Those years gave me a wonderful array of characters to write about. In addition to writing, I love to read, spend time with my family and hack my way around the golf course. I’m on Facebook, Twitter and love hearing from readers. I have a blog called Book Blather and welcome all those who love book.
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 I would like to remind you Allegiance is part of a series of books written about Mel. I plan on reading each of them and I hope you will do the same thing.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates