I would like to share #Boneless Super-Charged Mini Toy Stunt Skateboard with Poseable Skater – Luca with you which I was sent to review.
Charlie asked to take his #Boneless Skateboards over to my niece and nephews this morning for them to try out. Before we left the house Charlie said I can’t wait to see which Skater Jason is going to ask for. I let Charlie know I thought he would pick Ryan because of the red shoes.

Once we arrived and Charlie unpacked everything Jason asked Charlie if he would be able to play with Ryan because of the shirt and shoes. See Aunts know there nephews better than people think. Lily was so excited to share Mia with Jason that they had fun just posing the dolls which Jason was able to take off the Skateboard.
Charlie took the empty Skateboards and lined them up for a race. We laughed and laughed as they spun out of control turning in circles. Alyssa there mom walked up and said who I really like how small these are because they can be played with inside and outside.
She looked at the Fence and how we can keep everything inside it and she said that would keep the Cats away from the Toys. My nephew David M. came our and shared stories about the Skateboards he had as a child. Allowing Charlie to bond with him.
Alyssa and David were so happy the kids can charge the skateboards on there own without there help. As they can play with these on the days David M. is working from home. Alyssa sat down with David and I as we read the directions to the kids so they could build everything.
As we moved through each toy Jason and Charlie begin to read on there own and all 4 kids was able to build everything without parental assistance. Jason reminded everyone that if they kept the toys in the box with the skateboarders that they could take them when running errands or visiting there granparents.
Thank you,
Glenda, Charlie and David Cates